Jun 12, 2008 18:21
I still can't force myself to start it. x__x Well... I only came up with the idea a week ago. And now I've developed the main concept, the ending, the beginning, and several chapters (seven actually)... I also have a good idea of my main three characters, and a rough idea of the minor ones. The setting is pretty much set in stone, but I still have a lot of names to sort through. Like, for one of my main characters (thankfully she's not the MAIN MAIN one) I can't figure out a name for her. I believe in naming my characters a name that means something... but also "matches" them. Somehow. My main MAIN female character is named Vione - which means white; fair. It's not as much a precious meaning as much as it "matches" her - she's a goddess of destiny/choosing paths, and she has these pale blue eyes (light, light blue) and to-the-knee dark blue/almost black hair. I feel like being philosophical today, so I'll give a more in depth analysis:
1. Fair ADJECTIVE - free from bias, dishonesty, or injustice: a fair decision; a fair judge. - This might describe her personality; how she is neither evil or good, but more neutral than anything. In arguments, this could show her fairness in decision and her neutral powers - however, she does fight/lean for the good side.
2. Fair ADJECTIVE - moderately large; ample - This could mean how her powers are large but restrained.
3. Fair ADJECTIVE - of a light hue; not dark - This could describe her pale eyes and pale skin, which give her a "ghostly" aura.
4. Fair ADJECTIVE - seemingly good or sincere but not really so - This could describe her indecision within herself and her powers.
5. Fair VERB - to restore (a bent plate or structural member) to its original form. - This could describe her powers as a goddess; she 'restores' people's faith when she leads them on their rightful path.
6. Fair IDIOM - honestly; justly; straightforwardly - This could describe her personality; she is confident and honest, but very straightforward and unwavering.
1. White ADJECTIVE - of the color of pure snow, of the margins of this page, etc.; reflecting nearly all the rays of sunlight or a similar light. - This could describe Vione's appearance - as she is pale and has pale eyes.
2. In The White IDIOM - in an unfinished state or condition, as furniture wood that has not been stained or varnished. - This could describe, again, how Vione is unsure about herself and her powers. And how, at the beginning of the story, she feels like she's missing something. This could also talk about how her powers are in an unfinished state, etc.
These are only some of the definitions that caught my eye - there are lots more that could describe Vione in one way or another. And since I'm still feeling bored (XD) I'll do my other main MAIN character, Rue. Rue is a seventeen year old emperor/king (Vione is fifteen) who ascended the throne of the realms of _________ after his father was brutally murdered. He is overly confident, cocky, and a strong believer in the old magics. He's (naturally) a lady's man. He's always joking around. His personality is more happy than not - but he has his "emo" moments, like all people. He has silver hair and the same pale blue eyes as Vione. In one part of the book he is referred to as the "god of time" but that might just refer to his position and not that he's actually a god of time (MYSTERY! dun dun dun...) Rue is actually a girl's name, but I think it really matches him. Rue means 'herb or diminutive form of ruth'. RUTH is a girl's name that means 'friendship'. Now, let's see the meanings. : D
1. Rue VERB - to feel sorrow over; repent of; regret bitterly - This could talk about Rue's father's death, and how he's very sad over it. Maybe he had something to do with it, and regrets it? That's a mystery, as well. ; )
2. Rue VERB - to wish that (something) had never been done, taken place, etc. - This could talk about how he's the 'god of time' and how he can 'rewind time'.
1. Herb NOUN - such a plant when valued for its medicinal properties, flavor, scent, or the like. - This could talk about the way Rue feels a compassion for others, and how he's always trying to save this or that person.
Yep. That's about it. XD One I figure out my third main character's name, I'll post her meanings, as well. (: