Mar 31, 2008 22:01

Private to Self

I really, really hate this time of year. They always say that the most important things always stay the same-- Diagon Alley has not changed much since the first time I've been there, and I'm fairly sure that the set of Cannons robes on display at Quality Quidditch Supplies is older than I am. The same goblin with the hooked nose that changed Euro into galleons when mum took us to Gringotts the first time changed my money this time around.

And tomorrow it's time again to visit Platform Nine and Three Quarters, listen to everyone chattering about their summers and asking each other the same questions about the same classes as always.

And like every other time, she won't be there.

And like every other time, I'll still look for her for a few minutes until I remember that that's stupid.

Whatever. Life goes on and all that.


I'd hoped to have enough money to spare after buying new Herbology and Potions supplies to get an owl for school, but such is not the case. But I'd end up getting far more use out of a new cauldron than I would end up sending any post to people at any rate. Oh well.

The baker really made far too many apple turnovers for the cafe this morning, though, and there are loads left over. Polina, Nathan, Winifred, Coriander... anyone want some tomorrow? Dad would thank you to take them off his hands and out of his store. Also, Ash, I did not include you in the above group because it would have been a rhetorical question.
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