gosh i love second period! :P
so anyway, got up...was running late but it's all good yo. first period: had open book test. have big test tomorrow :/ i will do good though! second period: had quiz but then we learned lots of fun stuff about camping :P and me and hoebag started singing *nsync. well me really, then i got it in her head :D third period: first day of kenz being demoted :P we had a sub though and she was evil. gr. watched some dumb movie that we watched freshman year in theater. fourth period: talked about brain research and all this. was quite interesting. then read this far out story. it was nifty.
stayed after for rehearsal. only half the cast was there...maybe. then went to best buy w. kenz and jenni. fun stuff. my headache started to get worse though, so i wasn't all peppy. hehe. yeah i've had a major headache all day, forgot to mention that. but i've gotten through some how...*sigh* :P
so i'm driving home...doing like 65 on robinson road and then bethany calls me and is like, david didn't come into work they want you to come in. i told her i'd call work and let them know. i get home and feel like complete and utter crap so i call in and tell them that i can't, but if it gets swamped and they absolutely need me that they can call and whatnot. no call...so far :/ so now i'm getting ready for my only night at home for a couple days :) fun stuff.