Title: The Truth Comes Out
ore.Author: Outsidethebx
Fandom: Bad Girls
Pairing: Nikki/Sylvia
Summary: Don't worry, the thought of smut between these two eeks me out too. This is what happened when Nikki and Sylvia were stuck in a cell together.
Prompt: I wrote this to fit two prompts from
passion_perfect The Turbolift FicsTales of 1001 Nights-"Weak"AN: Beta and pairing idea from the lovely
bank_farterArchiving: Sure
Rating: R--for language and sexual references
Disclaimer: I have no ownership of Bad girls
“All right then, hurry up and sign these forms.” Sylvia Hollamby unlocked the cell door and stepped inside. “I don’t understand why Ms. Stewart has us doing her bidding, but…”
“Can’t I get any privacy around here?” Nikki Wade hastily covered her abdomen with her bed sheets and angrily looked up at the prison officer. “Did you get to see everything, or would you like me to finish off in front of you?”
“Why, I should report you immediately.”
“For what? It’s not like I was actually thinking about you.” Nikki pulled up her pants and climbed out of bed. “Unless of course you want me to. I can certainly put you on my to do list.”
Sylvia’s face reddened, and her jaw twitched as she took a step toward the inmate. “Such disgusting, unnatural behavior--your type should be segregated from the rest.”
“If you put us all together, we’d be the happiest bunch around.” Nikki’s lips curled into a smile as she placed her hand on Sylvia’s arm. “Go ahead--suggest it.”
Sylvia tried to move away, but Nikki held on to her fingers. “When you finally realize that Bobby doesn’t fit your needs anymore, you’ll have a group of girls ready for you. We’ll think about accepting a new member.” She lightly tugged at Sylvia’s wedding band as she winked at the screw. “There will be an initiation though.”
Sylvia whirled around and walked quickly toward the door. “I’ve had about enough of you. Ms. Betts will be hearing about this.”
Nikki opened her mouth to respond, but stopped as Sylvia attempted to exit the cell.
“I don’t understand.” Sylvia placed her key in the lock, turned it clockwise, but failed to open the door. She grabbed the handle, fiercely tugged, tried once more to use the key, but could not succeed.
“Oh let the big, scary dyke give it a whirl.” As Nikki walked over to the entrance, a giggle suddenly came from the other side.
“Good one, man. Way to give it to her.”
“Thanks babe. I told you it’d be a good one.”
Sylvia pushed Nikki aside and banged loudly on the door. “Denny Blood, Chaz Wiley, open up this instant. When I get my hands on you…you’ll be on the block for a month.”
“What was that, Miss?”
“Yeah, me and Denny can’t hear you. I guess you’ll put up with other dyke for a while. Maybe you’ll learn a thing or two.”
Sylvia angrily pounded on the door. “Girls, let me out. Now.”
“Think we should let her out, Den?”
“Naw, it’ll do her good-being locked up like the rest of us. Give ‘er a taste of her own medicine.”
“Of all the people to be cooped up with…”
Nikki rolled her eyes and sighed bitterly. “You think I’m thrilled at the prospect of spending any amount of time with you? They could’ve at least shacked me up with someone attractive.”
Sylvia leaned against the wall, crossed her arms, and stared at the floor. “I’ve been in this job too long…”
“…fifty years now, is it?”
“Fifty years, my foot! You’re not even worth my time.”
Nikki laughed as she fluffed her pillow and sat down on the bed. “Our dear ‘ole Sylvia…you’ve never removed that rod have you?”
Nikki grinned at Sylvia’s obvious confusion. “You know-the one that’s permanently implanted in your arse.” You’d think it’d get in Bobby’s way every now and then.”
“You leave my Bobby out of this. You don’t know what we’re going through right now.” Sylvia began pacing throughout the cell. “Just you wait until I get out of here. You’ll regret that smart mouth of yours.”
“Calm down, now. I can’t have you going into cardiac arrest…wouldn’t look good for my appeal now would it?”
Sylvia shuffled over to Nikki and wagged her finger in the inmate’s face. “You’ll never get out of here, if I have anything to do with it.” She took another step forward and stood inches from Nikki’s mouth. “You’re nothing more than a cold blooded murderer. You live contrary to the Good Book, and are void of anything good.”
Nikki stood up and breathed deeply. “You had me there for a minute. All this business about my sexuality--I thought you were going to kiss me.”
“I would never…”
“Oh come on. You’re not going to say you’ve never thought about it. You’re always bringing it up.”
“It’s disgusting, perverted…”
“…against the ‘Good Book,’ I know.” Nikki paused and lowered her voice. “We don’t all wear strap ons, get off by spanking, have ravenous anal sex, and request to be chocked.”
Sylvia gulped. “I beg your pardon.”
“You never give me peace, always going on about how disgusting I am. Why does it bother you so much?”
“I refuse to have this conversation.”
Nikki rolled her eyes and turned away. “It’s always the ones who make such a big deal about it.”
“You’re either secretly a lesbian, or are too weak to admit you just don’t understand.”
“This conversation is completely inappropriate.”
“You perfectly illustrated my point.”
Sylvia sat down on the bed and looked over at the inmate. “I did no such thing. I’m perfectly capable of handling your kind…”
“Your kind?” Nikki walked over and put Sylvia’s hand across her chest. “You feel that? It’s a heartbeat you ignorant homophobic tart.” She continued to hold the officer’s hand. “It beats just like yours. Matter of fact, I even bleed red. Want to see?”
“NO.” Sylvia jerked her hand free and backed away from Nikki. “There won’t be any of that…and you’re on report. How dare you touch me.”
Nikki shook her head and sat down next to the wall. “You’re so blinded you can’t even see my point.” She raised her hands in defeat. “I give up.”
“Nikki, I…” Sylvia looked over at the solemn inmate who had remained in the sitting position for several minutes. “…I’m not use to you actually, well…”
“…being quiet? Honest? Glum?”
“How do you expect me to react? I’m stuck in this cell with the most cold hearted screw next to Fenner, you can’t admit your actual feelings, and I’ve already missed breakfast and lunch. I’d say it’s been a stellar day, so far.”
Sylvia sighed. “It does disgust me and…”
“You’re scared.”
Nikki stood up and faced the officer. “Admit it Sylvia, you’re scared.”
Sylvia sat in silence with her lips firmly pressed together.
“I knew it. That’s why you’re such a hard-nose about the rules. You’re weak. You don’t understand us, you really don’t care, and you’re too scared to admit you need help.”
“I…” Sylvia opened her mouth then quickly closed it.
“You can’t even answer me.” Nikki sat down next to Sylvia and continued. “If you’d give us a break once in a while, we wouldn’t be so hard on you. Respect comes both ways, you know. And if you’d stop being such a nit about every little thing…”
“I’m so much older than the rest of the officers. I have to be rough or I’ll lose my job.” Sylvia’s blurted response came out so quickly that she covered her mouth with her hands. “I honestly didn’t mean to say that.”
“It’s good you did. ‘Bout time you were honest with yourself.”
“Sylvia, you all right in there?”
“Jim? Oh thank god.” Sylvia walked towards the door and sighed. “I’ve been cooped up with Wade here and have had quite the time.”
“Hold on, love. I’ll open the door.”
Sylvia stepped back and looked over at Nikki. “We never had this conversation. If you repeat it, I’ll never admit a word.”
Nikki smiled. “Just keep it in mind, yeah? We’re not all that terrible. Well, some of us anyway.”
Sylvia managed a slight smile as Jim opened the cell door. “Bout time you guys got me out. I was beginning to think Wade was going to be the death of me.”
Feedback appreciated. I'm turning into a comment umm whore.