Title: Her Rules
Author: Outsidethebx
Fandom: Scrubs
Pairing: Jordan/Elliot
Rating: NC-17 (sex)
Prompt: I wrote this for
femslash_today, in response to
The Porn BattleAN: Beta by
bank_farter and the prompt was Jordan/Elliot and "lick."
Archiving: Sure
Disclaimer: I have no ownership of Scrubs
Her Rules )
Oh man, Jordan re: Elliot working at Applebees.
Elliot talking about her bra and how it matches during sex (random stupid personal note, once in the moment, I talked about like Boy Meets World or something. They just kinda..looked at me.. )
I like this because Jordan's actually not that domineering in this fic and you know she could really be, but she's almost kinda gentle here. In the way a bear is gentle with a meat sandwich.
“Stick, tonight, we’re playing by my rules.” Jordan took a sip of scotch and walked over toward Elliot. “Which means you have to be nice…” She sat down next to the doctor, and traced her fingers down Elliot’s arm. “…and I don’t.”
Elliot rolled her eyes and laughed. “…like that’s any different than normal.”
EXACTLY. Love it.
This only left me anticipating more!
I agree about the Olivia/Alex fandom teetering on the verge of domesticity. I'm not a fan of writing a pregnancy into anything remotely romantic, and I really never saw those two as the marrying type. Same with Jordan/Elliot. I think I would join Jordan in the inevitable "puking a little in the back of my mouth," if that fic was ever written. lol
So glad you liked it. I'm very much enjoying writing this pairing, at the moment, so hopefully, more ideas will come forth. :-D Thanks for commenting!
zomg, I laughed my freaking ass off at that. Thank you for putting all my feelings on it down in words, lmao.
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