Jun 15, 2004 19:16
Life really sucks sometimes!!ive stayed in my house for the last seven days doin nothing but sleeping and bein depressed sometimes i wonder what life is for because theres always these little periods of yur life that you ask yur self why were you even born!!i have no purpossee in my life soo why was i born i have no friends because i dont do drugs anymore then the ones that are my friends i dont like them!! alls i have is my music i have no one to care for me or that gives a shit about me!! i hate this life that i live!! i am all but what am i another number that isnt equal to any of you i control but i comply pick me apart then pick up the pieces!!im uneven! my blister exists in my life how long will it last this time and will it go away or will i fade before it goes away!!im uneven!