Too much thinking can be bad for you.

Sep 07, 2007 01:51

There is a CIA agent in the bar, trying to reconcile his view of the way the world's supposed to work with the sudden appearance of a place that should not be. He hasn't yet worked that out yet, but hopefully liberal amounts of alcohol will help with that ( Read more... )

jason mcconnell, alexander molokov, juliet capulet, luther daniels, walter de courcey

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molokovcocktail September 7 2007, 23:17:19 UTC
Liberal amounts of alcohol will help with nearly everything, or so thinks Molokov.

"Mr. de Courcey." He raises his glass in a salute of sorts. After all this time, there's no real need to be so formal with his counterpart, but he enjoys it. It's a ritual - if they had that sort of thing.


smashbastards September 7 2007, 23:27:10 UTC
Walter smiles brightly and raises his own glass. "Mr. Molokov."

No, the formality isn't necessary, but they've been doing it since Merano. Why stop now?


molokovcocktail September 7 2007, 23:39:54 UTC
Exactly. Why mess with a fine tradition when it's worked so well for them?

"How are you adjusting?"


smashbastards September 7 2007, 23:45:18 UTC
"Well enough, I suppose. It's... a strange place, but as strange places go, not so bad." Better than some hotels he'd stayed, with Freddie and Florence, before Freddie was the world champion. He's not complaining.


molokovcocktail September 8 2007, 01:10:58 UTC
"It could be worse," Molokov says agreeably. "A bit fruit-filled, though."


smashbastards September 8 2007, 01:16:17 UTC
"Fruit-fi-" he starts, and then stops, unable to hold back a short laugh. "Oh. Florence get you too?"

Florence hadn't actually hit Walter, though. He'd ducked, and then caught the next one. But still.


molokovcocktail September 8 2007, 02:14:34 UTC
"Repeatedly. Her aim is rather accurate." Ruefully, he adds, "But I expect she hates me more then you."


smashbastards September 8 2007, 02:22:39 UTC
"I would assume." Considering that the first time he came to the Inn, Florence ended up clinging to him for a little while... "It's unfortunate. I could try to talk to her about that fruit-throwing habit. It's kind of wasteful."


molokovcocktail September 8 2007, 02:37:59 UTC
"I would hate to take away her source of entertainment." He sips his vodka. "Perhaps she and Anatoly can take turns."


smashbastards September 8 2007, 02:42:21 UTC
"That's very generous of you, Mr. Molokov."

Walter is not laughing. Really. Not at all.

Okay, maybe just a little.


molokovcocktail September 8 2007, 02:58:40 UTC
"I am but a humble servant," Molokov says, as straight-faced as he can manage.

Walter is lucky Molokov is a bit fond of him.


smashbastards September 8 2007, 03:02:59 UTC
"As we all are," Walter says, just as straight-faced. Though he's in serious danger of breaking into a smile at any moment. He's just glad he's not the kind of humble servant who gets fruit thrown at him.

Only a bit? Walter is hurt.


molokovcocktail September 8 2007, 06:03:06 UTC
"It's a thankless job, but who better than us to do it?" Molokov allows a rare genuine smile to cross his face.

Well, more then a bit, but shh.


smashbastards September 8 2007, 06:05:49 UTC
"I don't believe anyone else is worthy of being trusted with such things." That smile does funny things to Walter, makes something in his stomach twist in a not entirely unpleasant way. He likes that smile a bit more than is safe.

We won't tell anyone. We promise.


standsbychamp September 8 2007, 01:25:53 UTC


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