Enter Sky Pirate

Sep 06, 2007 14:38

Captain Shakespeare walks out from his cabin to greet his crew, except the outside of his ship is suddenly an inside of a building.

Hmm. Quaint. Nice lighting. Has that warm, homey feel the ship is always missing out on. Oooh, absolutely lovely decor all around! The fire place brings an- He growls, interrupting his train of thought, before he loses the gruff expression on his face, and takes out his sword, holding it in front of him in a defensive stance.

"Argh! Now, which one of you mangy, flea-bitten dogs thought you'd pull a fast one on the Captain with this little switch? Speak now, or I'll start cutting out tongues till I start hearing answers!"

Nice delivery if I do say so myself.

fran, valentine wiggin-skywalker, kaylee frye, balthier, captain shakespeare, angel dumott schunard

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