
Sep 04, 2008 23:06

At a table are a presently-human-looking AI and a professional hacker ( Read more... )

carl arbogast, jarvis, pepper potts

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yes_mr_stark September 5 2008, 03:16:20 UTC
A red-haired woman drops by, giving a doofy smile to the AI, but calming herself, and taking a seat. "Making friends, Jarvis?"


runsthehouse September 5 2008, 03:23:08 UTC
Jarvis smiles at her approach. "One might say that. And yourself?"

Carl can guess who she is, from what he's heard so far, but he'll wait for an introduction. "Hi. I'm Carl. I work with computers for a living, sort of, so."
...And then he realises this could be really awkward if she doesn't know what's going on, but oh well.


yes_mr_stark September 5 2008, 03:26:38 UTC
"I'm around. I had to call both a plumber and a glazier for the basement earlier." She pauses. "And don't ask about the plumber."

She then turns to Carl. "I'm Pepper Potts. Nice to meet you, Carl. What sort of things do you do to computers?"


abar_starclog September 5 2008, 03:32:01 UTC
Oh, good, he was right. "I... get paid to hack into them, actually. Security testing. Don't worry, though, this is just academic curiosity."
He's got enough sense not to try hacking a system that talks back.

Jarvis slides an arm around Pepper, without quite thinking about it. "I won't, then, other than to presume it went badly."


yes_mr_stark September 5 2008, 03:35:15 UTC
"Huh. I might have to tell my boss about you. He might have use for you. His security is excellent," She grins at Jarvis. "but, well, there is an entire company to look after. Besides I'm not worried about you. If you're polite enough to ask, you're not going to hurt him. Also, I don't really think that he'd let anyone hack him."

She leans into Jarvis' arm, smiling. "Oh, the plumber wasn't bad. It's, well, Tony landed in the wrong spot."


runsthehouse September 5 2008, 03:55:09 UTC
One of the nice things about the inn: Jarvis has the freedom to facepalm, if need be. "Yes, he rather did. I did try to advise him to keep to the existing hole in the ceiling."

"Fair warning, it's 1994 back home and I... kinda don't think our worlds overlap. He probably couldn't get the whole group, but I'd be willing to do what I can."
It's good to know she's not worried, though. Carl thinks trying to hack a system that's paying attention would be an interesting experience, so long as it's clearly academic for both parties. Everyone would learn something.


yes_mr_stark September 5 2008, 04:06:22 UTC
"Oh, drat. I was going to get another tarp this morning." Pepper facepalms, and pulls out her PDA.

As she finishes, she looks up and smiles at Carl. "Anything that'll help to make sure we don't get hacked is useful. If you need an update on the tech, talk to Jarvis or Tony. I really don't know any of that stuff."


abar_starclog September 5 2008, 20:23:02 UTC
"The computer lab here's... well, nothing short of phenomenal, so I have some idea of what you've probably got." Other than Jarvis, anyway, but if it's in-company systems, Carl can probably manage.

"I shouldn't worry about a tarp, Pepper. Knowing Mr. Stark, he'll fix it himself."


yes_mr_stark September 5 2008, 20:35:58 UTC
"I have not actually seen it, but I am certain that this place would not have a sub-standard lab." She smiles.

"Well, this is true, but he seems to be a bit distracted lately." She pauses, then facepalms. "Of course you know about the hole. You were there last night." She sighs. "I'm an idiot."


runsthehouse September 5 2008, 21:27:04 UTC
"The last thing you are is an idiot. I'll agree about the distraction, however."

Carl shrugs. "I don't think Jane would let the place have anything short of the best computer lab possible."

"You mean you've talked to her and survived the experience?"


yes_mr_stark September 5 2008, 21:35:29 UTC
"From what I have heard of her, if she thought it was sub-standard, she'd make up something just to look shiny." She sighs and shakes her head.

To Jarvis, however, she doesn't respond, just snuggles a bit closer. Sorry, Carl.


abar_starclog September 5 2008, 21:43:47 UTC
Oh, he won't begrduge them a moment.
"Yeah, she probably would. She's a little weird like that."

Jarvis raises an eyebrow. "Only a little?"
(He's getting better at this human-interaction thing, in that Pepper's snuggling actually doesn't throw him off long enough to be significant.)

"...Okay, a lot. Still."


yes_mr_stark September 5 2008, 22:00:04 UTC
Pepper laughs. "Perhaps some day I will meet this woman." And thank her for giving me Jarvis.

She just leans against Jarvis, relaxing for the first time in a while.


abar_starclog September 5 2008, 22:27:14 UTC
"Probably - she gets around. Anyway, I've got something open upstairs, so... keep me posted. Nice to meet you both."
Carl knows a more private moment when he sees one, and so.


yes_mr_stark September 5 2008, 22:31:03 UTC
Pepper straightens. "Carl, I don't want to chase you off. I'm sorry. It is nice to meet you, however."


abar_starclog September 5 2008, 22:43:18 UTC
"No, it's all right. Really."

Jarvis can't help smiling a bit. "If you've got a project to go back to, I can hardly stop you. That's one thing I understand quite well."

Carl grins. "Yeah, from the sound of it, you would."


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