These Are Very Encouraging Times

Mar 22, 2008 22:02

In the kitchen, there is a Svetlana. For the first time in a long time, she's truly happy. Her husband has returned to her. She's trying not to think about for how long this time, only that he is here now, in her arms, where he belongs. Maybe this time they can start over properly.

She's celebrating the best way she knows how, by cooking. She's making far too much for just the two of them, but that's alright. She doesn't mind sharing with other people, or engaging in conversation with them.

Molokov is in his usual chair, reading Russian poetry and feeling vaguely homesick. He misses his flat, his city, his very sense of purpose.

Still, being able to go home would mean an end to what he has here with Walter. Once, the choice would have been so easy to make. But times have changed, and nothing is as sure as it was.

It's an unfamiliar position for him to be in, and it's not one he likes at all. If he never has to choose, things would be fine. He is, however, enough of a realist to know better.

So, he sits here and reads and tries not to think about the future. Distraction would be welcomed.

reki, alexander molokov, trey, river tam, svetlana sergievsky, anatoly sergievsky, david webb

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