i can't believe i've made it...

Feb 21, 2008 01:21

Grace Holloway is sure she's going mad. Absolutely, positively mad. Her face is flushed and she's quite windswept when she enters the Inn. It's been a decent while in the Inn, but for her? Hours ( Read more... )

the doctor (five), svetlana sergievsky, kitty pryde, robert chase, grace holloway, the doctor (eight), the doctor

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sensi_doctor February 23 2008, 00:11:14 UTC

JD is exhausted from staying up with Jack and watching over Martha, but he's taking a temporary break. He is equally happy, because holy shit, Ben! Ben's alive!



intensivistmd February 23 2008, 02:12:21 UTC
Looking up when his name is called, Chase smiles broadly at seeing JD. It's been a while, but it's nice to see him up and smiling again, too.

"JD," he abandons his paperwork to approach the younger doctor, "Good t'see you!"

"How have you been?" Surely, he knew. There was no way he didn't.


sensi_doctor February 23 2008, 02:16:04 UTC
"Ben's alive! I'm good! Exhausted, but it's been a long few days, but still Ben's here. And yeah. Good."

JD is grinning rather foolishly as he wraps his arms around Chase and hugs him.

He did, in fact, run into Ben after Chase had. So he knows that Chase knows... otherwise he might have practiced using a little more tact.


intensivistmd February 23 2008, 02:31:09 UTC
"Yes," Chase smiles, brighter than he has in a long while, "He is back and that is wonderful."

He can't help but hug JD back, because really, he would've done the same thing if JD hadn't initiated it.

"Stayed out of trouble, hopefully?" He asks, because JD seems to always have trouble right at his heels.


sensi_doctor February 23 2008, 02:36:16 UTC
"Yeah! Totally awesome!" JD bounces on his feet with a little smile. "I mean. Didn't expect it, but... it's really good to have him back."

He nods.

"I've been trouble free! For once in my life things have been relatively quiet." JD raises an eyebrow at the bruise on Chase's face. "What about you? That looks like it hurts. Or did hurt. A lot."


intensivistmd February 23 2008, 03:15:57 UTC
Chase nods as well, unable to help laughing lightly at JD's excitement. How the guy could keep it all, he had no idea.

At reference to the bruise, his expression falters a bit, "Just a fight."

He wonders if he should tell JD, about House, about saving that girl...


sensi_doctor February 23 2008, 03:33:31 UTC
"Just a fight?" JD looks rather skeptical at that, because there is no such thing in his mind as just a fight. Unless he were talking to a boxer or someone who got in fights all of the time and... Chase is neither of those.

"About what? And with who? I can't think of anyone who'd want to hit you."


intensivistmd February 23 2008, 05:35:31 UTC
"It was an argument." Chase decides.

It wasn't even an argument, really. He had proved House wrong, tried to save a girl's life, her body... and House tried to continue with the treatment, tried to push the amputation and Chase called it off.

House was losing it to vicodin.

"My boss... doesn't believe he can be wrong."


sensi_doctor February 23 2008, 05:40:29 UTC
"Oh." JD grimaces a little.

Dr. Cox has the same issue, but he can't imagine the guy ever punching him over it.

He shakes his head. "He really punched you? Because you... proved him wrong? What an ass."


intensivistmd February 24 2008, 03:13:36 UTC
"Yeah, he is an ass."

Chase shrugs softly. He despises House, yet he knows he has the man to thank for all the he knows. "But it had to be done, the patient was the one who really had any benefit from it, so I s'pose that is more important."

Still. It was House desperately addicted, needing without thinking. He was letting medication control him and Chase was there to only solidify the downfall.


sensi_doctor February 24 2008, 04:02:10 UTC
"Yes, it is." JD agrees, clasping his shoulder tightly.

In a manly way that doesn't exactly suit him, but well, he's trying.

He bites his lip and removes his hand slowly, tilting back in his chair and yawning, nearly toppling over backward.

"Speaking of patients, have you ever had one with tuberculosis? Per... chance?"


intensivistmd February 24 2008, 05:08:33 UTC
Chase can't help but smile at JD's attempted manliness and just allows it to pass without joke for now. Have to give the kid a break for now, right?

He looks up in thought, briefly, before nodding, "I have, yes. Why do you ask?"

It isn't often that they talk doctor-ly things, but he doesn't mind it.


sensi_doctor February 24 2008, 06:39:47 UTC
"Really?" This makes him excited. Anything to up Martha's chances or help her to get better faster, and since he for the most part is learning about this disease as he goes... "Well, I kind of have a patient upstairs with it right now. Or I think she has it anyway and I guess she's not really a patient just someone in the Inn who's sick and needs help, but still I did the whole test, but you know it takes the 42 hours to come back. We're waiting for it to show that she's postive, but I'm fairly sure that she is. I'd start her on the antibiotics, but they've kind of got a history of severly damaging the liver. So I don't want to start her on it too soon and be wrong about it. And... uhm, yes. I've never had a patient with TB before."

Ah, JD ramble.


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