
Feb 13, 2008 01:58

The narration would like to present the multi-character post of doom.

The Eighth Doctor is walking about and looking, for the most part, quite pleased with himself.  Oh yes, there’s certainly something burning at the back of his mind, a certain door that he knows he ought to be going through, but he’s ignoring that for much lighter thoughts.

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the master, dearly, the doctor (eight), the doctor, the doctor (nine), reki, spencer reid, the doctor (ten), the doctor (five), romana ii, george lass

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Comments 58

celery_love February 13 2008, 07:39:24 UTC
Five had been in the lobby most of the day, settled in with a good book Kitty had actually lended him. While it was entertaining in some sort, he couldn't help but notice a rather familiar, fluffy haired, annoying Doctor approaching what Five was sure was his TARDIS.

Setting the book aside, he approached the other, clearing his throat.

"Excuse me, while I do respect the fact that you are my older regeneration, I do also hold the right to ask you not to just waltz into my TARDIS whenever you wish."

He might step in front of Ten and give him a terse smile.


allthroughtime February 13 2008, 18:31:20 UTC
There are raised brows and curious looks.

"Yours? Huh, didn't think it was yours. I mean, I suppose it very well could be yours but then again it could also be mine or either of our other regenerations. Unless you left her here, in which case it is yours unless she switched places with one of her other selves."

Ten smiles and inches around fine. "How about we just find out, it'll solve all our problems, I'd say."


celery_love February 13 2008, 21:37:30 UTC
Five almost regrets the day he regenerates up to Ten.

Well, not really, but he'd like to think as much.

"I do suppose you have a good point." He looks up at the unknown TARDIS curiously before giving her exterior a soft pat. "Well, then, let's see which of ourselves she belongs to then, aye?"


allthroughtime February 13 2008, 22:14:30 UTC
Ten grins. "So you're coming along then? Great!"

He'll move to push the door open, poking his head inside before looking about and stepping in. This particular version of the TARDIS is really quite familiar to him but shouldn't strike Five as all too familiar.

"Think it might be mine," he says as he starts poking around the console. His words don't sound all too sure though and he's casting a skeptical eye over the controls.


smallstonesteps February 13 2008, 10:54:00 UTC
Reki was going to slip upstairs, not entirely comfortable with the current crowd, but the boy trying to hide with a sketchbook caught her attention.

She walks over to him. "What are you working on?"


hadanother February 13 2008, 18:39:22 UTC
At the sound of a voice, the book is quickly hidden under the couch. As much as he likes sitting there and trying to draw, he's none too fond of anyone noticing him doing it.

"Nothing," he mumbles, not looking at her. "Just sitting here listening to folks.'

Picking his head up, he tilts it just slightly. "What're you doing. 'Sides talking to me. You had to be doing something before you came over here."

Don't mind him, he can be a little nosy sometimes.


smallstonesteps February 14 2008, 00:56:51 UTC
Well, she had never liked sharing her work before it was finished, and then...only some of it. So Reki let the sketchbook slide.

"I was walking." She doesn't mind, she's used to inquisitive children.


hadanother February 14 2008, 07:31:39 UTC
"Walking where? You had to be coming from somewhere? Unless you can just pop up like something magical."

He blinks, studying her closely. "You're not something magical, are you?"


thedrumsofwar February 13 2008, 16:50:13 UTC
When the Doctor's in a good mood... well, someone inevitably has to come along and ruin that for him.

Of course, this time, it's the Master, flashing him a bright smile as the Doctor's wanderings bring him by where the Master's sitting.

"Doctor. What a pleasure to see you again." This Doctor, at least, he hasn't seen since... Well, since just after the Time War.


allthroughtime February 13 2008, 20:42:21 UTC
"Pleasure isn't exactly the first word that springs to mind," the Doctor replies, pausing in his walk so that he may stand in front of the Master.

It has been a while, hasn't it? The memories of their prior meeting are still clear in his mind but he's quick to erase them, focusing on the here and now.

"And to what do I owe this acknowledgment of my existence?"


thedrumsofwar February 13 2008, 20:49:01 UTC
The Master springs to his feet and circles around the Doctor, like a curious cat. Not exactly threatening just yet, but the claws could be extended at any moment.

"Come now, Doctor. I missed you. How long has it been since I last saw you?" He reaches out to touch the Doctor's shoulder lightly.


allthroughtime February 13 2008, 20:56:33 UTC
The Doctor stands his ground, feeling no real need to protest at the other's actions just yet. He's on guard though, not that such a thing is uncommon when dealing with eh Master but still.

"There are at least three other of my regenerations running around," he informs, moving slightly to avoid the touch. "You can't have missed me that much."


smithnjones February 13 2008, 23:09:44 UTC
Martha Jones hasn't seen Reid in months. Literally months for her. Nearly eight months that she'd been in her own world and how ever long it had been in the Inn since she'd seen him. She isn't sure.

Of course, she knows she looks like hell. No matter what she tried on it hung on her skeletal frame rather ridiculously and anything tighter than that and it just made it worse. Thank God she's getting out of South America in the next couple of weeks after she gets back.

Her walk is more stealthy than it used to. That's habit. She sits next to him, watching him cast letters into the flames.



physics_magic February 14 2008, 07:28:11 UTC
It hasn't been quite that long for him, only about five. Some of those had been time that she'd been missing, the other from when he was off with the Doctor.

Eyes turn on her as she sits herself down, studying this new Martha Jones that seems to have emerged while he was away. It worries him, what he sees, but he bites is tongue for now, simply because he thinks that starting off with "hi, how're you doing? By the way you look like hell' may not be the best start to a conversation.

"Hey," he replies, setting the box to the side. "It's been a while."

And there's even the offer of a small smile.


smithnjones February 15 2008, 00:32:06 UTC
Martha smiles back. It's lined with exhaustion, but other than that, the warmth is still there.

"Yeah. It has. A long while." She nods, glancing at the box when he sets it down, but not asking about it for now. "About 8 months for me. What about you?"


physics_magic February 15 2008, 02:03:58 UTC
The exhaustion makes him bite at his lip, he wants so badly to ask questions, can feel them forming on his lips but he stops himself yet again.

"Five for me," he replies. "I was off with the Doctor for a lot of it though."

Eyes move to meet hers and he finally just asks, "Where where you? What happened while we were gone?"


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