I am the Bad Wolf

Jan 01, 2008 13:27

Sometimes, the Inn being outside of time and space is a good thing. A very good thing.

Like now.

The door swings open, and anyone around would definitely notice the nearly-blindingly bright golden light. They might not notice the blonde girl step through the doorway until the door swings shut. She looks familiar, but she's not quite... Rose.

Well, she's Rose, obviously, but the golden glow (yes, literal glow) in her eyes and the unsurprised but slightly apprehensive way she's looking about should give testament to the fact that she's not just Rose.

Oh, and any Time Lords about would be able to tell that she's got pretty much the whole power of the vortex in her, although it's currently being dampered and kept from harming her. (Thank Jane for that, Doctor.)

(ooc: Okay, really, I have a whole theory behind this working, if you want to hear it just let me know. XD That being said, Rose is kind of a combination of herself and the TARDIS right now, based on my theories about the whole Bad Wolf incident that I'm pretty sure my other Who-muns will agree with. The Inn being outside time and space (and therefore outside of the realm the time vortex has any connection to), she knew she would come here and she knew she would leave, but she doesn't actually know what's going to happen in the Inn - it has its own sort of timeline thingummy, and... well, like I said, if you want to know, drop me a line. Other than that, just know that she doesn't know what conversations will happen here, and she can't actually use the power of the vortex - Jane's keeping her from doing that, and keeping the vortex from burning her out. /long ooc ramble)

rose tyler, alexander molokov, martha jones, the doctor, the doctor (nine)

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