Fancy meeting you here.

Dec 10, 2007 23:19

Benjamin Sullivan is particularly chipper today, because he has just had an amazing conversation with one particularly sexy Australian. A conversation that may have lead to something just as amazing... in bed. Life is, indeed, looking good. He's drinking a beer at a table and generally, enjoying life.

Angel is here too. He doesn't end up in the ( Read more... )

angel, robert chase, j.d. (john dorian), lucy saxon, angua von uberwald, ben sullivan

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intensivistmd December 11 2007, 05:20:54 UTC
Because Chase hasn't been outside or talked to JD in a while, the narration decides he might want to go out this evening. (Chances are, he'll run back into Ben eventually, too). Not to mention he's just in a very good mood for many reasons.

"Somehow, I'm not surprised to see you out here stargazing." He teases and sits down in the grass next to JD, glancing up at the sky himself.


sensi_doctor December 11 2007, 05:27:40 UTC
JD sits up and smiles at Chase when he approaches.

"Really?" He laughs and then lays back down against the soft grass, putting his hands behind his head. "Is it cause I just seem like the stargazing type?"


intensivistmd December 11 2007, 05:55:07 UTC
"Maybe that's it." Chase grins and shrugs, "How're you and April doing?" The grin turns into a smile because those two really were wonderful together.


sensi_doctor December 11 2007, 06:04:28 UTC
JD grins at mention of April.

"We're doing... perfectly. Really. We'll have in total like three weddings and three honeymoons. It kind of makes my head spin, but... I love her and I'm willing to say that to anyone who's willing to listen as often as I can. It'll be fun." He turns his gaze from the stars to Chase. His grin becomes a little mischievous smirk. "How're you and Ben?"

Because he knows even if they're not official. I mean, the snowball fight, the cake fight... JD can be slow, but not that slow.


intensivistmd December 11 2007, 06:26:00 UTC
"Sounds like you two have a busy schedule ahead of you." Chase smiles, "But it has to be exciting, doesn't it?"

At the sight of mischevous smirks and the mentions of Ben, his own smile broadens a little bit. Well, after their most recent conversation...

"We're great." That, in and of itself, is a wonderful thought.


sensi_doctor December 11 2007, 18:46:21 UTC
"Yeah, especially since y'know... we have a busy schedule. Together and all. I really can't complain, when I'm with her... it just... everything fits."

JD glances at Chase when he emphasizes the word, We, and he sits up, resting on the back of his hands.

"We? Are you- You and he?" He sits up all the way on to his knees. "Details! And don't call me a girl for wanting to know them. Seriously. You're together? Wow. I never thought I'd see Ben settle."

Not with anyone other than Perry. Yay!


intensivistmd December 11 2007, 21:52:18 UTC
Chase can only smile at JD. Honestly, he's much more fond of this boy than the broken one he met him as. However, he's always willing to help the other.

Oh, he had been a nervous wreck when he spoke up about what he felt to Ben, but now he seems perfectly cool. "Yeah, I s'pose we are." It felt strangely nice to say that. It was great in and of itself that he had someone, and that someone was one sexy Ben Sullivan. "T'be honest, I just told him I loved him."

Chase won't call JD a girl, not yet, anyway. "And that sums it up. Well, he returned the sentiment, of course." He decides to leave out the kissing, groping and sex altogether.


sensi_doctor December 11 2007, 22:14:01 UTC
JD grins.

"Really? Yes!" Don't mind the hugging. He's just a touchy-feely type of guy, in case you haven't realized that yet. "He's a big flirt, but he doesn't fall easy and only says those words when he really, really means it. This is great! Good for you. Both of you."

He'll have to tackle Ben the next time he sees him, and tell April too, she'll be so thrilled.

"God, it's fantastic when everything goes this... great!" It's been a long time since he's had so much good happen back to back.

Too bad it won't last.


intensivistmd December 11 2007, 22:46:09 UTC
He's laughing and hugging JD back, grinning like a fool. "Thank you, really."

Oh, this is all definitely a good thing. "It really is."


sensi_doctor December 12 2007, 02:57:39 UTC
"It is. So hey, you two should come out and camp with me." JD smiles and then shrugs with a sheepish look across his face. "It's just... I really feel like camping right now. And where better than the Inn? At least here you know you won't get mauled by a bear."

He raises an eyebrow and points at Chase. "Just no sex in the tent. Seriously. It makes my giblits all... nervous to be so near and yet so far."

On that note, JD settles back on to the grass and stares up into the sky.


intensivistmd December 12 2007, 03:15:11 UTC
Chase won't lie, he's never been camping before. So this opportunity is one he decides he will take, well, without letting them know that little detail.

"We should," he nods. Looking up as JD states a rule, he laughs, "Honestly, we're not that indecent, JD, so no worries."

Stretching his arms over his head, he shrugged, "I s'pose I should go get him and inform him that he is camping with us then, eh?"

And when given an answer, Chase will be off and standing, heading back into the Inn to fetch Ben.


sensi_doctor December 12 2007, 03:45:46 UTC
"You're not? Weren't you two making out in the snowball fight in front of all those kiddies?" JD grins teasingly at him and then shakes his head.

"Yes. Go fetch Ben, please! And I'll think us- I mean start us up a fire! All by myself. With just wood and rocks and... kindling!"


intensivistmd December 12 2007, 03:49:43 UTC
Chase merely rolls his eyes at JD and brushes himself off, "You have fun with that fire. Please don't hurt yourself in the process eh?" He teases himself before he starts back into the Inn.

He manages to sneak around behind Ben's chair and walk up behind him, wrapping his arms around his shoulders, "JD demands your presence at our camp out, just outside." He smiles.


kingofgaychickn December 12 2007, 04:10:14 UTC
"Camp out?" Ben looks up at him and grins, kissing him quick. "Seriously?"

He bounces up to his feet and claps his hands together. "I am so there."

Ben sneaks his hand around Chase's arm. "I haven't been camping since I was like twelve. Almost burned down a forest. Those were the good old days."


intensivistmd December 12 2007, 04:27:33 UTC
Chase laughs lightly and returns the kiss, "Seriously."

Ben's reaction makes him laugh a little harder, "Then shall we? I left JD as he was trying to make the fire, so we might want to go be sure he's not the one burning things down."

He's joking, of course, but he can't help but pick on JD a little bit. The younger doctor was just too adorable sometimes. "You burned down a forest and those were good days?" Chase shakes his head, smirking.


kingofgaychickn December 12 2007, 05:18:39 UTC
"You left him out there alone with the possibility of fire?" Ben laughs clasping Chase's shoulder tight. "You are a braver man than I am."

He smirks and nods.

"Of course. It's always good times, burning down a forest. You get to meet Smokey the Bear and take a ride in a fire truck! What more can a kid ask for?"


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