I come from a land down under...

Oct 02, 2007 23:18

If he had been paying attention, he might notice that the door he opened was definitely not one he deliberately chose. In fact, Robert Chase had been innocently heading towards the Diagnostics Lounge, medical crossword held closely and pen balanced between lips.

Was this dangerous to do? Certainly! But his mind was elsewhere, focusing on the black and white clues before him. Why wasn’t he doing his job? Well, House hadn’t showed up just yet, so what was there to do? It was only when he looked up in search for a seat that he realized these weren’t glass walls around him, the noise of the hospital had ceased, and goodness, where did his crossword puzzle go?

Robert Chase was very confused. Looking about and walking farther into the place, he stops and runs a hand back through his hair and gives a light tug at his lab coat. Oh, didn’t he stand out like a sore thumb?

This certainly wasn’t the Princeton Plainsboro. He hadn’t come here purposely.

Maybe he had fallen asleep and was dreaming? Yeah, he’d say that until he figured out what was going on.

robert chase, ben sullivan

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