I've been partially, if not completely, useless after work these days. I can't write properly and my mind turns into mush so all that pent up emotion can't seem to find an outlet so imagine my surprise over words that just poured out of me tonight. I guess
just showing up worked for me today. Thanks for holding up your end of the bargain creative juju!
Yes I know I'm completely placing my happiness in the hands of another unknown person and it's going against all that I know and learned over the past few years but apparently the heart has the tendency to not follow what the mind knows. Is that human nature or just pure stupidity?
I feel like I'm in such a strange place emotionally and mentally. Or I've just been resisting too much and not admitting my feelings, even to myself. Right now I'm just trying to figure it all out. Not that I'd probably get the answer I want but I'll just take what I can get.