Date: 25 June 2001
Characters: Penelope, Theodore
Status: Private
Summary: Theodore joins Penelope for tea and discussion
Completion: Complete!
Happy that he had settled on Sunday because next week was looking to be more and more stressful, Penny had gotten the water for their tea ready and set out her own choice of white tea, not knowing what
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"I do a great deal of travelling seeing to the corporation's interests," Theo began, carefully slicing a lime to garnish his drink, his fingers wrapped lovingly around the knife handle. "There's more to maintain the family estates, of course. Then for pleasure, obviously. I travel to my palazzo in Venice in winter for the Carnevale di Venezia, usually arriving briefly after Boxing Day and staying through the last day of the festival..."
Theo neatly dropped the curl of lime into the glass, then took a pleased little sip and pronounced it delicious before going on.
"Any rate. That's beside the point. What I meant to say was that if you are up for a bit of travel at some point and have the stones, we might make an appointment for a bit of extended travel to the locales where the curse research is being undertaken? Terrence and I have done absolutely fucktonnes of it, and there's more yet to be handled. I'm quite good at the clue-finding and decoding, but I'm utter pants at figuring out the historical indications of some things. You might be in a better place to give me context, is my thought, hmm wot?"
She set her drink down and nodded at his question. "Certainly. Where is it undertaken? I completely believe you when you say that you've done plenty of research; after all, this is not a subject matter to be taken lightly, considering the time-crunch." Laughing slightly at his choice of words, Penny finished her drink a bit too quickly and nodded again. "It is my area of expertise, after all. I think I'll be one to enjoy myself thoroughly doing this sort of work."
Tilting his head to one side, he asked, "Tell me, Penelope... How do you feel about ghosts?"
She nodded at his comment about her not taking part in the initial investigations. Of course, she wasn't too happy about the fact that she couldn't - she would have loved to - but she understood that this sort of thing was not for a muggleborn, as prejudiced it sounded, even coming from her.
At his mention of ghosts, her stomach fluttered a bit. "Why?" Her eyes had lit up a little, and if someone had looked more closely, they would have noticed that she was leaning forward in her seat just a little bit more. "Um, I... you see, when I was a little kid and I were to watch Muggle TV - I don't know if you're familiar - I would spend my primary attention on ghost shows. Most Haunted, mysterious places, haunted hotels... you have to understand that ghosts... have a terribly strong connection to history."
She paused, worrying her lower lip. Suddenly an idea came to her. "Isn't the Nott heirdom passed on... I mean, wouldn't your heir relieve you of the curse? I'd started asking you this earlier, but you still haven't answered. Either way... clearly the curse would be eliminated if the lineage were to end up extinct... unless there were someone to claim the line and it weren't dormant, per say. But there's always the option of abayance... what would happen in such a case? And what if you were to give your title on to someone else. Someone less... uh, important... give on the estate... or is that too simple of a solution?"
Theo finished his second g&t and began work on a third.
"As for the ghosts, my dear... There are ghosts, spirits, sprites, et cetera and so on living in all my homes, and they have more knowledge of the past than I. In Venice, I've a... we'll call him a distant relation. His name is Lysander, and he's a very lively ghost. His memories have given me important keys to several things, and it seems I may need to pay him another visit soon.
"As to why the clues are scattered, dear Penelope... It's the house itself. The intellect which governs it in a way I cannot. I've no idea if the curse itself is manifest in some kind of huge, dark intelligence, or if it is simply the nature of a place so old and so huge -- huger than you can possibly understand, love; there are secrets which I cannot reveal yet, even to you, even with the contract."
There was something about Theodore... he was a terrifically gentlemanly and curteous, and yet he remained somewhat condescending on some level. Then again, Penny mused, with the title and ubringing he'd probably had, she didn't particularly blame him.
"So you could effectually put it off... hm." Her brow furrowing in thought, she let her eyes remain focused on her empty glass. "I don't mind ghosts, not at all. I could see why they would be helpful, certainly.
The house... is starting to intimidate me more and more," she noted, frowning slightly, finally meeting his gaze again. "What exactly have you found out in your months or years, I don't know which, of research? The important things, you know?"
"We've narrowed the year down to sometime in the 16th century... That's not very narrow, hmm? And I've personal suspicions it's associated with an event known to family history as 'the Great Purge', though what precisely that is I've no clue. My family is very... tight-lipped, Penelope. We don't share our secrets even with one another. If you could make a list of what you find to be the most vital aspects of knowledge to gain, I could confer with my staff and make certain we give you the most explicit and complete information we've at our fingertips and get it to you later in the week?"
Theo stood and moved around the table to sit beside her, his pipe and drink forgotten as he leafed through the stacks and pulled out a sheet of blank parchment and a quill and ink. He smiled at her warmly, wondering how frightening all this must be for her, considering how much the house scared even him. His arm settled around her again as though he could fend off all the evils lurking in the shadows. Who knows? He probably could.
"Well, if you're so willing to give me information, I'd be very grateful for, well, just a list, I guess. Get together things you know for sure and even vague hints that might be clues, that you're not so sure about. Anything that might relate and help."
Yes, that would work. She could use those pieces of information to start building her puzzle. It was just a pity she was missing her corner and rim pieces. "And then I think I'd like to be taken to the location that you'd say has the most connection to the curse, since, clearly, having me visit all the locations would be pretty much impossible. So, let's just have it be the most important for now, until I find a lead that tells me that there's something important in, uh, France, or something."
She'd been focused on getting out precisely what she found important, not really paying any attention outside of that, until she noted Theodore getting up and going around the table to sit next to her. After getting writing utensils, he smiled at her in another one of those mood-swing ways, different once again from the earlier very serious attitude, only to put his arm around her shoulders. Penny closed her eyes and took a deep breath, looking over at him and smiling. Why he was doing it she wasn't sure, but she really didn't mind him having his arm around her at all, especially after she'd lately been feeling as if noone wanted to even come near her. And despite the distinct smell of opium and strange manner in general, there was something about Theodore. She couldn't put her finger on it exactly, but she couldn't deny it either.
"We shall do that then. Get the list together." Theo nudged her gently and pushed the parchment towards her, watching her closely. "Are you all right? Not still intimidated by the house, hmm? 'm right here to look after you, you see. 'f any of the Thing Wot Go Bump come out, I'll give them a proper Talking To, yeah? You'll be right as milk. Just... take your time and write it all out. There's likely things you'd think to ask of me that I've not yet asked of myself."
"I'll be all right. The house will have to learn to deal with me, yeah?" Giggling at his reference of Things That Go Bump, she nodded, smiling at him again. The constant change of mood was odd, but strangely settling as well. "All right, I will. I'm sure I'll come up with quite a thorough list," she noted, beginning to write.
"I've no idea what Terrence sees in these things," he mumbled petulantly, giving his lower body a dirty look. His gaze cut to Penny's and he asked, "Why on earth do Muggles wear these? They're terribly inconvenient. My robes must have seventeen pockets, all perfectly accessible and spacious. This is rifuckingdiculous."
Then he thrust the parchment at her and said, "You do it. I give up."
But nothing could have prepared her for what he did next, handing her the piece of parchment to put into his pants. Oh dear god, she was sitting there looking like an owl, eyes wide in shock. But... but...
There was no way that thing fit in there. "I... um... well, Muggles don't generally roll up their paper, you know," she finally managed, unrolling it and refolding it twice. "See?" Trying to retain her composure, she took it and slipped it inside. "Fits perfectly," she added a little breathlessly.
"I was going to wear robes, but they're very formal when one is visiting a Muggleborn, yeah? And I was in a rush so I just grabbed Terrence's denims and pulled them on, yeah? And Terrence is well... a good bit smaller than I. I think perhaps I got the instant tailoring charms wrong."
Theo's lips pursed again and he tilted his head at a defiant angle, giving Penelope a most decided Look.
"I look stupid, don't I? I knew I shouldn't bother with the Muggle clothes, only I wanted to be more... casual. Put you at ease. Bollocks."
A pause.
"Are you sure it won't just fall out?"
Stupid, Penny thought to herself. What? What planet was he from? "No you don't..." she started, her nose crinkling as she shook her head in defiance. "They look stunning on you, if you ask me. And I do appreciate the gesture," she added with a smile.
She almost had to keep herself from laughing at what he said next. "I'm sure. Trust me. Muggle things are good quality. They have to make up for what they're missing out on magic. It... won't fall out. Really." Well, she'd almost managed to keep a straight face.
Theo's fingers twitched and started to jam themselves into his pockets in irritation. They didn't fit. Were they shrinking? What the fuck!? He'd been able to fit things in them when he arrived at her flat, he was almost certain!
After a moment's reflection, Theo realised he probably hadn't been applying undue pressure to the anterior portion of the fabric at that time. For some reason he was now. Possibly due to the smoking. Right. That always did it.
Then her eyes suddenly grew wide, and the smile faltered. Good god. Why was he... any more of that and boyscouts could have camped under there, no doubt.
"Why are you... um..." Penny's words were failing her. Damn.
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