(no subject)

Nov 21, 2005 14:56

Oral Dilema- If a girl is sucking your dick and you're not even eating the pussy, and she ain't complaining, don't brag to your boys and laugh cause you think you're the man. Another nigga is handlin what you're scared to do.

Sexual Harassment- If a girl claims that you're sexually harassing her, you're ugly. Plain and simple. Sexual harassment is based solely on how attractive or unattractive the so called "harasser" is. Like a girl is gonna press charges because Justin Timberlake told her she had a nice ass

Playa?- Do you really think we don't know when you're on the phone with some chick or hanging out with her? come on man PLEAAAAAAAAASE...

i found these thinga at an unsuspecting place and i wonttell you where. but i thought that they were funny and you should read them.hahahaha!!!!

but anyways now back to reality, my baby is coming home and i cant wait!!! i really missed him and cant wait to hug him and to kiss him. i think that everyone of my friends already knows that!!!lol. but anyways now to get back to the real stuff that i was trying to talk about, so.......

i talked to him earlier this morning and he said that he had wrote me a letter and had hoped that my mom would not read it, i guess that it is a little ummmm graphically sexual. but thats cool because i could use hearing a little something like that. i love him he makes me so happy!! but yeah so the other day i was having a bad day and well i was just pissed off at my mom and it was like a dam broke inside of me i just started going off and i just kept talking and crying and he just sat there and listened and my dad called later and he was mad at me and i told him because he was mad at me for nothin and he started yelling at me. well i told him and well yeah he was mad because my dad was mad at me for nothing and he said the sweetest thing to me and it made me smile and happy inside well im in suspence he told me i could never stay mad at you and i asked him why and he said "i love you too much to saty mad at you" it made me wanna cry and i said well you are the only one. what i meant by that was that he was the only one who couldnt stay mad at me. i really miss him if anyone cant tell well in happy because the way he talks to me and the things he says it just makes me feel so god. it amazes me that a person could love me as much as he does and the way he cares and listens and holds me and loves me i just wanna burst into a million zillion trillion little happy pieces of sunshine. i dont know i may sound a little obsessed but im not its just the way love feels.
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