
Oct 25, 2014 16:29

ok, finally got LJ insstalled on my phone. please excuse the typing mistakees.

in a nut shelll ... the dates are still very ffuzzy, but 4-5 weeks ago I had open heart surgery and open lung lurgery as well.

I went to the urgent care on September 1ush? because I was having some breathing ttrouble. They put me on oxygen and immediately sent me to the hospital, where I was whisked off to emeergency surgery because I was full of blood clots.

there was one large clot that started in one of my heart atrium and passed through a hole betwrreen them that I've probably had since birth but was never noticed.

there was a clot riding the saddle between my bronchial. arterial branches. there were clots everywhere- they removed over half a cup of clots from me. I didn't have blood, I had sausage.

I've been recovering ever since. I if I have the details right, I was intubated for at leeast two weeks. And kept sedated throughout, so I remember nothing. I was hours away from being given a tracheotomy so they could get me healing right.

there have been more misadventures, but I'm tired.

I'm getting bettter, slowly. I have one hell of a scar too, as well as stories to tell.

But, hi.
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