Now what

Oct 31, 2010 02:32

So, earlier this evening, I finished the project that's been consuming me for the past two weeks; making my own video for "I Die For You Today." I'm pleased with the results, and enjoyed making it.

And now I'm bored.

I still have lots to do- I need to get a website together, so that when people ook at who wrote the lyrics on the CD and say, "Who's this Outsider guy?" they have someplace to go. I think I'm going to end up going with Wordpress, but I'm not sure- mainl because, while the domain transfer FINALLY was approved today, it could take 5 days for the transfer to happen, and Wordpress has to be installed on the site to work. I was looking over my collection of writing to see what it would take to get it up on Lulu to sell .... and it's going to take a lot. Typos, reformatting, etc. On one hand, I'm torn between leaving it just as it is, because that's just how it was, and between cleaning it up for re-publication. I'm leaning towards the cleanup. I want to offer it in a black and white edition, a color deluxe edition, and a PDF edition. I'm also debating offering the PDFs of the individual chapbooks as free downloads on my site, in hopes that it inspires people to buy the books; I know this works for other authors. So, I have lots of work to do before the video goes live. On Tuesday.

I don't think I'm going to be bored for much longer.
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