Facebook Hiatus

Jul 09, 2013 12:38

I know I'm only on vacation from FB for a week, but even spending two days off of it has been hard.  I actually caught myself the other day thinking:

"I wish I could tell Facebook how difficult it is to not go on Facebook and talk about how hard it is to not check Facebook."

It's completely fucked up how much my thoughts have changed since I started using it.  I know I won't be able to avoid it forever, I enjoy the Admin work I do for the groups far too much to abandon it all.  So many interesting people and hilarious arguments.  It quenches my need for social interaction with adults while I'm stuck in my house with the babies.  Before I quit my job in the workforce, I enjoyed FB, but I was never as addicted to it as I am now.  Lack of regular communication with adults will do that to you, I guess.  Right now I find myself straightening the house, organizing the laundry, and washing bottles when I normally would have capitalized on the hour that the boys have wound down and nap time settled over the house, to stalk the hell out of my FB.  I was hesitant to even pop open the computer, worried that the temptation to hit that little FB bookmark would be too fierce.  I'll admit, even now I'm tempted to scrap this entry and give in.  Strange how easy it is to get sucked in, and have difficult it is to get out.  I feel like there's a party going on and I'm not a part of it.
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