Aug 28, 2005 07:16
Well I had a headache so I fell asleep around 9:30 last nite. I planned on cleaning my room--> yeah it didnt happen! I can do it today or tomorrow though! I have the sniffles- I think it's from that one (or two) chilly days this week. Since I started woking Days every morning feels like a Monday. It's actually kinda crazy! But I really like the job well minus the drama.umm All I have done this week is Change my class schedule, talk about cars with the rents, work, and sleep. OHHHH and I GOT A NEW CAR! I'm super excited about it! I absoluetley love it.The neon was a good car but this is better! I still sorta miss the Ne. It was a good times, playing spider arms to unlock all the doors and hitting chairs on free ways and rowing it down Ford road. ah, the memories. Well my nephew broke in my car, he drooled all over my steering wheel. But its ok. He is friggin 9 monthes old.He has grown so fast. He is crawling all through the house, he climbs up stairs, pulls himself up on legs,furniture( anything ) and has 6 teeth! I adore him though!I got my hair cut and hi-lited. As always I like it. I wanna go tanning. I lost all my color. It's a sad day. I am getting red or dark added to it though--> next week. I go back to the doctors on Tuesday. I'm not actually cleared to drive yet- but I'm doing ok. I'll have x rays done and then hopefully I will be. Then I wanna go back to work at Oakwood- ASAP! I want monnnney!This semester will suck on "fun" time but hey- you gotta do what you gotta do. Work and School come first.The only good thing is that Working includes babysitting my nephew! No one goes to school with me so there's zero friend time and Work well Becca works there but she'll be working opposite days and Jamie is gone from Oakwood. Yeah for no life!hmm what else? yeah i dk but I am gonna start cleaning my room. i have a SATC meeting before family dinner and then my first class is tomorrow!