I'm Missin' My baby!

Apr 29, 2006 01:39

I'm missing my one and only lovers o I figured I should do a survey all about him!

1) Single, Crushin', Interested, or in a Relationship?

In A Great, Very Serious Relationship <3

2) Are you happy with where you are?

Very, and Very thankful but I cant help but wish I was almost thru the nursing program or that I had more hours at Oakwood( soley cuz of our APT)

3) When you meet the right person, do you fall fast?

I definately did. Within 5 days, 1 date and hours of phone time and thousands of texts, one nervous kiss and then most intense kiss I have ever experienced( we had a yr of anticipation built up!) we were exclusive!

4) Have you ever had your heart broken?

Well at the time, I was upset, but I could never be more thankful i dated a dickhead for so long. Cuz In the end- I got my dream guy!

5) Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where cheating is acceptable?

Not At ALL!!!!

6) Would you ever take someone back if they cheated on you?

I did and it was stupid, I was stupid, didnt deserve it, BUT NOW I know Mark would never do that.

7) Have you talked about marriage with another person?

Mark and I talk about it all the time- I wear my promise/pre-engagement ring everyday!

8) Do you want children?


9) How many?

no more than 3

10) Would you consider adoption?

Mark and I definately want too- It's one of his dreams. and HE wants to help another child out who experienced what he did and since he was adopted- I'm sure he will be great at it- And I want to be a part of his dreams.

11) If somebody liked you right now, what do you think a cool way to let you know would be?

Well honestly- I wouldnt be able to say anything but thats flattering but I m very much in love. So I really dont care 8/

12) Do you enjoy playing hard to get?

ehhh some times. I'm sick cough cough lol!

13) Be honest, do you play the "game" when you are dating?

Nope siree!

14) Do you believe love at first sight exists?

Heck yes!

15) Are you a romantic?

For Sure- we had a very romantic half cooked/ half bought Valentine's Day!

16) Do you believe that you can change someone?

Nope- When You love someone You love all of em- even if they are gassy!

17) If you could get married anywhere, money not an object, where would it be?

In a cute lil church- most likely baptist since that what mark is,with all our family there!

18) Sex buddies - good or bad?

To each's own! I enjoy my sex life- with the love of my life. But if you wanna have it with a friend- rock on!

19) Do you easily give in when you are fighting?

No- I am so damn stubborn. But So is Mark. But Im a brat so I pout and He apologizes! LoL!

20) Do you have feelings for someone right now, whether they know or not?

Yes I do, and I tell him everyday- about a hundred times!

21) Have you ever wished you could've had someone but you messed that up?

LoL- I wanted someone for a year. BuT I wont mess up!

22.) Have you broken a heart?


23.)What would you do if you found another person in bed with your bf or gf?

Go fucking crazy, then cry, then feel like an idiot for eating up his words and making such a huge commitment to him (The Apt) BUT My baby wouldnt do that.

24.) Would you ever fight somebody over your significant other?

yes- but I'd rather just let lil girls be lil girls!

25.)What would you say about your last ex?

Who? actually I dont care about my past- The only thing I can say is thanks- it brought me to where I am today and being here makes me the happiest, most thankful person on the earth!

AHHH! I'm so tired but So used to sleeping and safe strong arms everynite 8( I really need to sleep though considering I have to be at the hall for Jamie's Shower at 9 am! eck! I miss my baby but he is having a good time with his grandparents and dad and he deserved the break! He works so hard and long to make up for me not having a job. I'm seriously the luckiest girl ever!
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