(no subject)

Jan 27, 2005 13:45

i'm hella bored =/ aint shit 2 do in ma house. i'm sittin' her messin' wit ma LJ page kuhs i duno wat colors i shud make it. any ideas? -- shud i change it or keep tha colors i got? but anywaiiz, i mite go 2 Jackie's house lata on tonite or i mite juzz stay home and b bored. i'm cravin' 4 some chinese food (chicken & broccoli wit some pork fried rice), so when ma mother comez home im'a ask her if she can get sum food!.. what yaw been up 2?

+RAND0M TH0UGHT; damn, i miss ma father soo much. he's been in jail since i was like 6 years old.. and tha crazy thing is that i really don't remember him kuhs it's been so damn long. why is he in jail? sellin' drugz. but i guess everything happens 4 a reason, u juzz gotta live and learn & realize your mistakes so u dont make them again. he's comin' out this summer so that's good. i juzz miss him soo much & i can't wait to see him.

+ does anyone know any music sites kuhs i wuna put music on here but swizz beatz is actin' STUPiD =/.

i'm little confused. cause me & this boy have been tawkin' online 4 like 4 monthz & he wantz 2 meet me but i duno =/ cause i neva meet sumone off the i-net b4 so i'm kinda scared =x .. what shud i do?

DAMN; i'm BORED AZ HELL. =[ can sum1 im me on aim - bxshawti2flyy. i know sum of yaw are bored too so hit me up.

i thought this was HELLA FUNNY so i had 2 post it =].

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