Jan 08, 2005 16:05
did yaw see ma husband (OMARi) on Room Raiders?? lol! gosh, he luked soo damn sexy & he was actin stupid .. we r soo perfect 4 eachother .. lmfao! i'm tellin yaw .. we finna get married -- Brittany (ma big sis) is guna marry Fizz & imma marry Omari & we both gonna have a double weddingz .. but im confused shud i marry Omari or his lil bro Oryan .. im havin second thoughtz .. lol!
(startin time -- 5:48 p.m)
[-] Smoke: nope
[-] Cuss: yes
[-] Take a shower everyday: of course!
[-] Have a crush(es): gotta couple
[-] Do you think you've been in love?: Nope
[-] Want to go to college: Hell yea
[-] Want to get married: ofcourse
[-] Type w/ your fingers: no, w/ ma toes .. dumbass.
[-] Believe in yourself: hell yeah
[-] Get motion sickness: ??
[-] Think you're attractive: yes -- very
[-] Think you're a health freak: No
[-] Get along with your parents: sumtimez
[-] Like thunderstorms: no
------------IN THE PAST MONTH DID:/:HAVE YOU------------
[-] Gone to the mall: yup
[-] Eaten sushi: Nope
[-] Dyed your hair: nope, i neva died ma hair b4 .. but plan on gettin a ronse soon.
[-] Stolen anything: unfortunately yes
-----------------HAVE YOU EVER--------------------------
[-] Missed school because it was raining?: nope, ma mother dont play that shiit
[-] Played a game that required removal of clothing?: Nope
[-] Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Never.
[-] Been caught "doing something": Umm.. nope.
[-] Like playing monopoly?: no, that game is hella long
[-] Been called a tease: Nope
[-] Gotten beaten up?: hella fukkin no -- r u outta ya mine?
[-] Been in a fight: yeah, but only w/ ma sister not ne1 i didnt kno
[-] Shoplifted: yes, IM SORRY.
-----------------THE FUTURE-----------------------------
[-] Age you hope to be married: i dunno but prolly in ma 20's or 30's
[-] Numbers and Names of Children: girlz -- Destiny, Sky, Starr, Mya Boyz -- Omari -- cant think of no more
[-] Describe your Dream Wedding: all ma family & friends .. bvery expensive -- u get ma drift .. ne1's dream wedding
[-] How do you want to die?: i dun wanna die =[
[-] What do you want to be when you grow up?: singer actress or basketball player
[-] What country would you most like to visit?: Egypt 00 or Mexico or sumwhere exotic.
-----------------OPPOSITE SEX-----------------
[-] Best eye color: Hazel, Green...
[-] Best hair color: black or brown i guess.
[-] Short or long hair: it doesnt matter -- braids, fresh fade .. az long as tha braids r long enuff
[-] Best first kiss: uhhh .. i dunno.
[-] Best height: taller then me 6'0 - 6'5
[-] Best first date location: Umm.. sumwhere fun.
-----------------NUMBER OF------------------------------
[-] Number of kisses you've given: ALOT
[-] Number of drugs taken illegally: non
[-] Number of people I could trust with my life: i dunno but not alot
[-] Number of CDs that I own: ALOT.
[-] Number of piercings: 6 [ears & navel} .. i HAD ma tounge pierced but i took tha ring out.
[-] Number of tattoos: none but i want bout 3 or 4
[-] Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: none .. im not a criminal
[-] Number of scars on my body: alot but non on ma face.
[-] Number of things in my past that I regret: alot .. cant number them .. sorry if i hurt nel thoe
[-] Shampoo: i go 2 tha hair salon
[-] Fav Color(s): red & blue
[-] Day/Night: Both
[-] Summer/Winter: SUMMER.
[-] Fave Cartoon Character: Winnie da Pooh, mickey mouse & sponge bob
[-] Fave Food: ne type of food
[-] Fave Movies: of course -- You got served, Love & Basketball & Boyz in tha Hood
[-] Fave sport: Basketball
--------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS-----------------------
[-] Cried: NOPE
[-] Worn jeans: nope
[-] Met someone new online: nope
[-] Done laundry: Nope
[-] Drove a car: nope
[-] Talked on the phone: yes wit ma niqqa Annette
(startin time -- 6:08 p.m)