Nervous Habits
Do you bite your nails? never have because my bet is that nails taste icky
Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? not without looking like a fool
Can you blow smoke rings? ive never tried
Can you blow spit bubbles? not really
Can you flare your nostrils? yes
Can you cross your eyes? yes, and i hope thats considered an extreme talent
Tattoos? none
Do you make your bed daily? i try not to exert the energy to do so
Which shoe goes on first? depends which ones closest
What jewelry do you wear 24/7? watch, earrings, my tacky star necklace, ball necklace, rings, and alyssas super cool twisty bracelet
Favorite Piece of Clothing? my new salvation army fire safety shirt that contains awesomeness of an incredible amount
Pajamas: usually checkery pants and just whatever shirt i happened to be wearing
Have you ever eaten Spam? no, but my family likes it fried, and ive seen it being fried and eaten, which has caused me to lose all desire that i might have had at one time to try it.
Favorite Ice Cream? mint choc chip
How many cereals in your cabinet? 2 if you dont count that health food one, which i definitely dont
What utensils do you use to eat pizza? fingers, but sometimes a fork if its stupid and messy
Do you shower or bathe? shower, because if youve ever seen my bathtub then you wouldnt want to risk sitting in it for a prolonged period of time
How long does your shower last? 10 minutes at the most
Hair drying method? hairdryer, or just airdrying if im feeling particularly lazy
If that fountain of youth existed, would you drink it? if i was old
Would you rather have genital herpes or be 50 lbs.? be 50 lbs, because that can quickly be changed
Do you swear? depends
Do you ever spit? not on people
What's Your Favorite?
Animal: cats or those llama things
Food: i like those cheesey rice cake thingers, but then again according to alyssa that makes me a freak
Month: july and april
Cartoon: theres a few, futurama maybe
Flower: those ones that you can blow the seeds at people
Shoe Brand: converse, oh and flip flops, whoever makes those is a genius
Subject in school: used to be english because i could do nothing like i like to do
Color: pink, black, and maybe that light greeny color
TV show: reno, athf, and i love the 80s/90s etc
Movie: kung pow still has to be one of themm, also anchorman
Holiday: unoriginally christmas
Book: angus thongs and ffs series, and anything by jeffery deaver
Vacationing Spot: bahamas were nice except for the whole 'ship that sucked ass' thing
TV Station: i forget what its on
In and Around
The CD Player: every time i die
Person you talk most on the phone with: i try to avoid phone conversations
Ever taken a cab? not a good one
Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors? if theres something in my eye or if someone wrote on my face which happens more at school than you would think
What color is your bedroom? brownish
Do you use an alarm clock? if i didnt then id never make it to school
Name one thing you are obsessed with: you know, im sure theres a ton of things, but im at a loss to thinkig of any right now
Have you ever skinny-dipped with the opposite sex? not with the opposite sex
Window seat or aisle? window seat
La La Land
What's your sleeping position? on my side
What kind of bed do you like? im not picky
Do you snore? i dunno
Do you sleepwalk? i dont think so, i hope not
Do you talk in your sleep? no but alyssa does
Do you sleep with a stuffed animals? a few
Which is Better?
Coke or Pepsi? pepsi
Apples or Oranges? apples
One pillow or two? sometimes one sometimes the other, sometimes however many are on my bed at the time
Deaf or blind? blind i guess
Blondes or brunettes? brunettes
TV or radio? tv
Tic-Tacs or Certs? tic tacs, because certs look like hamster crap when you get to the middle of them
Snooze button or jump out of bed? fall out of bed
Sunrise or Sunset? sunset
Hamburger or Cheeseburger? cheeseburger
Morning or night? night
Indoors or outdoors? indoors usually
Cake or ice cream? ice cream-cake
Bert or Ernie? bert, how can you resist that sexy unibrow
Spicy or Mild? sometimes spicy
Spearmint or Peppermint? spearmint
Call or Write? call
Peanut Butter or Jelly? peanut butter
Dog or Cat? cat
Book or movie? movie
Red or Green apples? red
Rain or Snow? rain