Hey! Was hoping to hear from you, I saw you on Yahoo yesterday but didn't get a response when I sent you a message (you were flashing on-and-off a lot so I guessed you were just busy and it got lost somewhere along the way). It has been far too long :)
Life's been eventful, a lot's happened over the last year but right now I'm looking forward to starting projects that I've wanted to get off the ground in years, so things are pretty awesome. How has everything been over on your side of the world?
Aw, I'm flattered! Man, apparently I've been missing all kinds of messages! I always forget that it automatically signs me in to messenger when I check my email, and I have to check it like 20 billion times a day. I always jump off the page before I even see anything pop up! Anyway, yeah. It's been waaaaay too long. I'm glad to see you're still around!
So what kind of projects are you starting? That's so exciting you've always been awesome at everything you do! Things are great here! Really busy though. I started making and selling hats last year, and it's really taken off. I've had crazy amounts of custom orders lately, so I'm up pretty much all night sewing. XD
I saw some of your hats on your LJ, they look awesome! Really great quality, let me know when you start shipping internationally ;)
Right now I'm putting together the basic structure for an anime and video game database that will have user-editable content, kind of similar to Wikipedia but much more extensive - it's something I've had in mind for ages and I've got a great team of people working with me, so it should be a lot of fun both getting it going and running it after.
I'm on Yahoo now if you'd like to say hi, otherwise I'll be around a lot this next week so we can talk whenever you get some free time :)
Thank you! My skills have gotten much better since I first started. I do ship internationally. In fact most of my orders this summer came from Australia and New Zealand. I'm doing tons of custom orders for character hats now, it's so much fun! I think the customs are my favorite part.
I can't wait to see what you come up with! Keep me updated, it's a fantastic idea! If anyone can pull it off, I'm sure it's you. =)
I'll try to pop on Yahoo in a bit if you're still on. The kids pretty much wrecked the house today, and I just discovered where they hid their donuts this morning. D=
Life's been eventful, a lot's happened over the last year but right now I'm looking forward to starting projects that I've wanted to get off the ground in years, so things are pretty awesome. How has everything been over on your side of the world?
So what kind of projects are you starting? That's so exciting you've always been awesome at everything you do! Things are great here! Really busy though. I started making and selling hats last year, and it's really taken off. I've had crazy amounts of custom orders lately, so I'm up pretty much all night sewing. XD
Right now I'm putting together the basic structure for an anime and video game database that will have user-editable content, kind of similar to Wikipedia but much more extensive - it's something I've had in mind for ages and I've got a great team of people working with me, so it should be a lot of fun both getting it going and running it after.
I'm on Yahoo now if you'd like to say hi, otherwise I'll be around a lot this next week so we can talk whenever you get some free time :)
I can't wait to see what you come up with! Keep me updated, it's a fantastic idea! If anyone can pull it off, I'm sure it's you. =)
I'll try to pop on Yahoo in a bit if you're still on. The kids pretty much wrecked the house today, and I just discovered where they hid their donuts this morning. D=
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