Jun 06, 2005 21:39
God is good. He teaches me new things every day. I'm really thankful for my family and for Jade. I am soo excited for Aaron with his walk with God. My room is really a safe haven for me and God is deffinetly resideing in my life. I need him every hour. I worry about people to much. I need to learn to just be there and to pray. I have been talking to my cousin as of late. I like getting closer to my family. I would have never guessed that I would become friends with Wyatt so fast but thats why God made us family I guess. I am looking forward to my sisters graduation, she is really growing up and she is so smart and beautiful. I am really blessed to have her as my sister. I just wish we were closer sometimes. She was making fun of me today because my legs look like they are a different ethnicity then my arms. Oh well, thats what you get when you live in Michigan. I have a concert coming up in a few weeks. I'm really excited. I haven't performed for my family in at least three years. I think my mom is going to be really impressed. I can't wait. I have been working so hard this year. During my voice lesson today, my teachers dog started howling while I was singing, It was really funny. My teacher, Linda, said that her dog was singing and only does so when really good people were singing so I should take it as a compliment. I did. Linda has told me some really wonderful things about my voice latly. I am so thankful for her, I had no clue that I was as talented as she says I am. Its deffenetly God, I just want to do His will, so if I am talented then I am going to use it for Him.
The notes are a strand of gold
They are kept inside my heart oh Lord
Your hand plucks the strings
And plays the chords
Of beauty and love
I feel so deep within
May your music be my voice
May your love be my hands
Dancing on the instruments of man
-Rachel Windeler c. 2002