Apr 17, 2005 11:40
Something i Have done. X
(X) snuck out of the house
() gotten lost in your city
(X) saw a shooting star
(X) been to any other countries besides the united states
( ) had a serious surgery
() gone out in public in your pajamas
() kissed a stranger
(X) hugged a stranger
(X) been in a fist fight
( ) been arrested
( ) done drugs
(X) had alcohol
( )laughed and had milk/coke come out of your nose
(X) pushed all the buttons on an elevator
(X) made out in an elevator
(X) swore at your parents nothin bad just hell, damn
(X) kicked a guy where it hurts
(X) been in love
(X) been close to love
(X) been to a casino
( ) been skydiving
() broken a bone
( ) been high
(X) skinny-dipped
(X) skipped school
(X) flashed someone
( ) saw a therapist
(X) done the splits
() played spin the bottle
( ) gotten stitches
( ) drank a whole gallon fo milk in a hour
(X) bit someone
( ) been to Niagara Falls
(X) gotten the chicken pox
(X) kissed a member of the opposite sex
(X) kissed a member of the same sex
( ) crashed into a friend's car
( ) been to Japan
(X) ridden in a taxi
(X) been dumped
(X) shoplifted
() been fired
() ever had a crush on someone of the same sex
(X) had feelings for someone who didnt have them back
(X) stole something from your job
() gone on a blind date
(X) lied to a friend
( ) had a crush on a teacher
( ) celebrated mardi-gras in new orleans
( ) been to Europe
( ) slept with a co-worker
( ) been married
( ) gotten divorced
( ) had children
(X) saw someone die
( ) been to Africa
(X) Driven over 400 miles in one day
(X) Been to Canada...
( ) Been to Mexico
(X) Been on a plane
(X) Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show
() Thrown up in a bar
(X) Purposely set a part of myself on fire
(X) Eaten Sushi
( ) Been snowboarding
(X ) Met someone in person from the internet
(X) Been moshing at a rock show
( ) Been to a moto cross show
( ) lost a child
(X) gone to college
( ) graduated college
( ) done hard drugs
() taken painkillers
(X) love someone or miss someone right now
[Marital Status] Not married, but will be!
[Height] 5'10" or so.
[Shoe size] 11
[Parents still together] Yeah.
[Pets] Zee Madam Mojo
[In school/graduated] Yeah, going to Hell Vol State right now
[Color](s) Blue, Green,
[Number] 7, 49. (49 = 7 x 7!!!)
[Animal] Emma. (grr baby she's an animal yeah) Oh wait, I mean.. uhm. Cats. And squirrels.
[Drinks] Sweet tea, Lemonade.. Red Bull. Water. Water. Water. Amaretto. Smirnoff Ice.
[Soda] Uhm... Root beer (IBC)...Cherry coke. But I don't really drink soda anymore.
[Book] Comic books. Lots of them.
[Color your hair?] I don't color it. It's brown. And boring.
[Have tattoos?] Nah. But I want one (just not anytime soon)
[Have Piercings?] Tongue. Used to have another. But. Yeah. Bad memories.
[Drink/Smoke?] no/no
[Like roller coasters?] Yeah, they're ok. Sex is more of a thrill though.
[Wish you could live somewhere else?] Yep, but I'm making those wishes come true
[Want more piercings?] I've considered a couple. But not anytime soon.
[Know how to drive] I pretend to know
[Own a cell phone?] Yes. A prehistoric one by today's standards. But yes.
[Ever get off the damn computer?] The cob webs hold me in place
Have you ever...
[Been in a fist fight?] Yeah. Sixth grade. I beat him up but I ended up crying.
[Kicked someone in the nuts?] Micah. or maybe I cup checked him with my fist. I don't remember.
[Held a gun?] Several times.
[Considered a life of crime?] If I get superpowers...hell yes.
[Lied to someone?] Yes.
[Been in love?] Currently am. Greatest feeling ever.
[Current clothing] Some tight jeans and a tank top. Damn I look hot right now. And by 'hot' I mean' horrid.'
[Current mood] Is 'tired' a mood?
[Current taste] ...saliva? I dunno.
[What you currently smell like] A MANLY MAN.
[Current hair] Fucking messy. Sex hair?
[Current thing I ought to be doing] NOTHING! I AM FREE FOR THE DAY! FREEEE!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA. Oh wait, I should be masturbating.
[Current crush] Is it ok to crush on your fiancee? I think so.
[Current job] Game Crazy Shift Leader of DOOM. (but not for long)
The last time...
[Last book you read] I got halfway through Choke but started playing video games. (Damn you FF Tactics!)
[Last movie you saw] Sin. City. On DVD. Because I know people that know some people that robbed some people.
[Last thing you ate] multicolored gold fish.
[Last person you talked to on the phone] This really sex girl that drives me wild. Her name begins with an 'E'
Do you...
[Play an instrument] Meat whistle. I tried learning guitar but didn't have time
[Believe there is life on other planets?] I dunno. The universe is big and I doubt God could have enough fun watching just us humans.
[Remember your first love?] Comic books
[Still love him/her?] Yes
[Believe in miracles?] Her name is Emma
[Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?] Love is what bonds your souls together. Yes yes yes
[Do well in school] If I really wanted to, I could. But I don't.
[Have a secret crush?] No.
[Have a best friend?]One true best friend, and a couple of really good friends.
[First crush] I don't remember.
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] Or do I have to walk by you again?
[Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?] Yeah. "Strip each other and have sex!" Great game.
First best friend: Nathan Brock. Helluva guy.
First car: 93 Ford Thunderbird. Still up. Still running. One badass car. (Im serious. Stop laughing.)
First break-up: Uhm. I'm not sure. Meagan dumped me? But we never really went out? I dunno.
First screen name: Oh. Fuck. Uhm.. I think it was 'Dalamar Sama'..but hell. I dunno.
First funeral: I do not remember.
First pets: A rottweiler named Rambo. Although he wasn't really mine. My first real pet that was actually mine was probably Madam Mojo.
First piercing: Tongue. Still have it. Still love to use it.
First Tattoo: Not yet. Ask again in a year or so.
First credit card: Have a debit card. Bank of America Visa.
First true love: Living in Texas right now. And soon so shall I.
First musicians you remember hearing in your house: Uhmm... Fuck. Who sings that song.. Shit. I forget. But it was some 80s song and if I heard it again I'd..hell. I'm rambling.
Last cigarette: Never really finished one but the last time I took a puff of one was in Texas and for the hell of it.
Last car ride: Last night I drove home from Micahs?
Last kiss: Good song by AFI. Oh wait. Uhm. That would be from Emma, a few weeks ago. Man. I miss those kisses.
Last good cry: I don't really consider crying a good thing.. But the last time I cried tears of joy was when Emma gave me a ring
Last library book checked out: Some book for an English paper last year.
Last movie seen: Sin. City. (whoa, deja vu)
Last phone call: Emmmmmmmma
Last time showered: Yesterday morning
Last shoes worn: My Sketchers which are about to die... I should probably buy new shoes before I move.
Last cd played: Misfits collection.
Last item bought: Birthday card for my grandfather
Last annoyance: Walking in the bathroom to find out my brother didn't flush the commode. >:o >:o >:o
Last disappointment: Finding out if I live with Emma at her apartment for a long period of time in the Summer her dad will castrate me
Last time wanting to die: Moving on.
Last shirt worn: Generic black t shirt. (Cause I'm that trendy)
Last website visited: Uhm. Some website that listed apartments near Dallas
Last word you said: Wtf kinda question is this?
Last song you sang: Broken. And man. Did I fuck that up.
What is in your cd player?: Misfits collection
What color socks are you wearing?: None. Er. Or invisible ones!
What Color underwear are you wearing?: grey boxers.
What's under your bed?: I'm too scared to look these days
What time did you wake up today?: 9:50 (and I was trying so hard to sleep in, damnit)
Current mood: tired
Current music: No music.. hmm.. let's fix that. Ok. "Explosive" by the Planet Smashers
Current taste: saliva? (whoa, deja vu agai!)
Current hair: Messy brown boring hair. I look like I got hit by lighting. And I'm wearing my glasses. I bet I look like a pimp evil scientist right now.
Current clothes: Tights jeans and a grey tank top
Current annoyance(s): At the moment none, but stupidity and people at work alwayss annoy me
Current desktop picture: A pic of Indiana Jones using a 1Up mushroom on his dying father from the Last Crusade
Current book(s): Comic books. Lots of them. EVERYWHERE
Current color of toenails: Ok I'm beginning to think this survey was meant for a chick
Current time-wasting wish: Im granting my own wish right now, with the help of loved ones.
Current hate: I can't really think of anything I strongly hate right now, though there are a lot of things that annoy me.
One or the Other:
1. Black or white?: black (I'm straight up representin homey)
2. Boxers or briefs?: Boxers. Boxer briefs for a while, but then I kept getting made fun of. (Thanks Honey)
3. Coke or Pepsi?: Water. Oh, that's not one of the options? Well fuck you.
4. Salt or pepper?: Salt
5. Sweet or sour?: Sweet. Emmas kisses. Mm.
6. Vanilla or chocolate?: Chocolate
7. Short or long?: In regards to what?
8. Cheap or expensive?: Expensive
9. Firm or soft? soft.
10. Hot or cold?: Hoooooot.
My favorite...
1. Color is: Dark blue or dark green. And black.
2. Song is: The Beast, by Concrete Blonde; Rock the Casbah, by the Clash; T&C, by Thrice; Dig Up Her Bones, by the Misfits; Fuck. There's a lot more. I have way too many.
3. Scent is: Whatever Emma is wearing at the time
4. Alcoholic beverage is: Smirnoff Ice or..no wait. Amaretto. Hell yes.
5. Food is: Mom's home made broccoli casserole (I know it sounds disgusting, but trust me, there's barely any broccoli and it's good so stfu)
5 things you did so far today
- Woke up
- Messaged Emma (still no reply =( )
- Played with Mojo
- Put on a shirt and jeans
- Watched some Family Guy (it's still early in the day, I haven't done much)
things you can hear right now
- Kataonia - Will I Arrive
- I can barely hear the TV in the living room
- Uhh...yeah, the top two are pretty much it.
- Refer to the third answer
- Refer to the fourth answer
5 things you do when your bored
- Watch movies
- draw
- Play video games
- masturbate (yeah, sad, I know.)
- Message people with Family Guy quotes
5 people that never fail to cheer you up
- Emma
- Micah
- Stephan
- Colin
- Keyana
5 things you can't live without
- food/water
- air
- Love.
- Emma and everything she has to offer
- Humour