I ain't sayin' she a gold digga

Oct 31, 2005 13:43

So, yeah my last entry was 100 years ago. But I'm in the library and I have approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes to kill time. Therefore, here I am.

My parents got totally fucked in Wilma. Appearantly their area of Broward County got hit the hardest. There was, I don't know if there still is, three inches of water in the downstairs part of the house which has ruined almost all the brand new furniture they just purchased. The carpet in my room is soaked and starting to mildew and my Dad's boat is full of water and other debris. Not to mention they still don't have power and it is estimated that they won't until the 22nd! I hope they get it sooner than that though. It could be worse though, and I'm glad they are okay. I hope all of you are okay, too.

In other news, Florida-Georgia was this weekend. The infamous "Worlds Largest Cocktail Party". It wasn't that fun quite honestly. Too many drunk ass people in too small of a place. It was also like 50 degrees and we were next to the river so I was freezing my ass off. I didn't even get that drunk, or maybe I would have had a better time.

Erin got the worst of it, by far. Some drunk douche bag fell on top of a wrought iron trashcan that was supposed to be bolted in the ground, but it wasn't and it fell over directly on her foot. It's so swollen and bruised.

Saturday, Erin's friend was in town who is absolutely loaded by vague reasons we don't really understand, however we didn't care seeing as she took us out for free to Ruth's Chris steak house. Our bill was over 300 dollars, all freaking free. Score.

Then yesterday I carved my pumpkin, it doesn't look as cool as I wanted it to, but that's alright. I'm so excited to finally have trick-or-treaters. Aw, I get excited just thinking about it.

School is going really well, I have like all As basically. That is really awesome for me. No have to get job if keep up grades-yay.

Well, I probably won't update for another 100 years. Hope everyone is doing well. I love you all.
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