You reached the end of homestuck.
This is... tragic. By all gods, more than a month of great reading material has gone by, and now that you've reached page 006817 there's nothing new, what will you do? Goodness, what will you dooooo?
> Outori: refresh last page.
Outori: refresh last page
You refresh the last page.
Wait. What is this majyikk?!? There's A NEW PAGE! There hasn't just a minute ago!!!
Or maybe, a rational part of your mind whispers, maybe the link just hadn't loaded.
Which is bullcrap, of course. Links have always worked before. Besides, majyikk is real.
Outori: read on in bliss
Outori: read on in bliss.
You read on in bliss. This is beautiful. Although you're not a fan of Jack, but still, this is beautiful. Revel in the beauty. All the beauty. All of it.
> Outori: reach page 006821
Outori: reach page 006821
There is no new page!
There really, seriously, is no. New. Page!!!
Insufferable Horrors!
> Outori: suffer insufferable horrors.
Outori: suffer insufferable horrors.
Oh wait, wrong gif! Oops.
> Outori: keep hitting refresh button.
Outori: keep hitting refresh button
You keep hitting the refresh button twenty or so times until you realise, this is stupid.
This is stupid.
> Outori: be clever.
Outori: be clever.
You make an attempt at being clever, and swap the last number with a two, then hit GO.
> ==>
Nothing happens. You fail at being clever. There IS no page 006822.
Oh well, guess you have no choice than doing something else in the meantime.
> Outori: do something else.
Outori: do something else.
You try to do something else, but you cannot do anything else, because you staked your all on this stupid horrid amazing wonderful web comic game thingathang, and not having done anything else than reading this quaint masterpiece for more than a month made you unlearn how to have a social life.
> Outori: have mental breakdown.
Outori: have mental breakdown.
You have a... No. This is stupid.
> This is stupid.
This is stupid.
... no, you correct yourself, this isn't stupid, this is foamy horse crap served straight from a hairy crock's caboose.
> ==>
> ==>
> Outori: restart homestuck.
Outori: restart homestuck.
6000 pages for you to explore! Again! This is wonderful news! Yes! Let's spend another month on it! Yeeeesss! Yes, yes yes and yes!