or, "What I've been doing and where I've been the past months."
Yeah, right.
I guess I'll let the pictures talk. Figured I could upload and post some autumnal flashs of my life. This one's going to be rather random I guess, with sprinkles of the above mentioned. I'll post another entry with pictures of my visit to the so called druid-grove I spent the weekend around Samhain/Halloween.
Have some pictures! Un!
University has started again. Halfway, anyway.
I also feel strangely compelled to tell you about some of the guys I'm in love with that you might not yet know about. Un.
Currently reading Demian Syndrome 7, to your right. Have been fevering for the new Vassalord, but I'm still keeping myself abstinent. Mainly for reasons of wanting to read the whole series again from the start before reading the new volume. Ahah. Hah. Waiting half a year+ for updates is, um, interesting. But what am I saying. I started reading Demian Syndrome in, uh, 2007? Years of nothing, until I realized "Hey I could check out whether there's anything new... ってか... just read on wherever I stopped ..." So I did. I started from scratch again though. I think I'd gotten up to Vol.3 or something. Or 4. Re-read all that online, but the scanlations had only reached Vol.5, so I bought vol.6, read it, and realized that vol.7 had just been released in Japan, so I went and ordered it... it arrived three months later, haha, all the pining until it arrived but slsdlfjsdjf whatever, together with Vassalord, and I immediately started reading.
I can't even begin to express my love for Jou and Azuma. Dramatic, complicated, vexingly intense love. They remind me of myself. And I love when mangakas can make you both laugh and cry within a couple of seconds. Mamiya Oki definitely can do that. Rips out my heart every couple of pages. I seriously adore her work. Ugh.
Ugh. Just, UGH. All of the pain.
And before I start rambling about Azuma and Jou, or even start writing my own novel about them right here and now, I'll just go on. Ahah. Hah.
Oh wait. Did I say something? About ripped out hearts and so on? Okay. I guess I shouldn't even START talking about No.6 right now. Such beautiful souls. One of the rare stories that make me scared to watch/read on. Seriously scared hah.
I actually wanted to read the novels. So I went to order them on Yesasia, but immediately got confronted with the reason for why I usually choose CDJapan over YesAsia. When it says "in stock" on CDJ, and you order it, you GET it. I ordered some volumes on YesAsia, it said "in stock", but a couple of days later I got a mail telling me that some "items have been cancelled due to them not being in stock anymore", I mean what? When it says "in stock" when I click the order button, and it's IN my order, then I expect to have it shipped to me. Seriously YesAsia, what the jingling fuck? うんはいがっかり。
And now they're like, sold out. Fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff.
Hah, be still my heart.
Okay. On to other things. Look at that fun car I saw in the street a while ago!
So funny! A chalk-car, hahaha...
Oh and... a little while ago, I almost burnt down the kitchen :3
It's so long ago, I can't even seem to remember how exactly it happened. Uhm... I think I wanted to use the oven. I had already pre-heated it, so I went to put in baking paper. Now here's the clue...
Please children and adults alike, take care whenever you put baking paper on the grillage, or wherever, in your kitchen's oven. The baking paper might burst into flames.
I'm serious.
I've never had that happen before but... somehow the paper touched either the sides or the roof of the oven, and FOOOOSH, fucking huge flame, I mean, like, FUCK! I pulled out the paper immediately and threw it into the sink, which doesn't mean it would stop burning, why ever, there was so much to eat. In a second the fire was like almost EVERYWHERE. The whole fucking paper had burst into fucking flames, right, and I just stand there and wantedtotakeapicturebutIthoughtthatsavingthekitchencomesfirst I needed to reach around the flames to get to the tap and open it, while the flames grow up to the cupboard, fucking lick at it, GRAB the roll of papertowels I got standing there, EAT IT UP while the water calms down the baking paper, but now the flames are like ON THE FUCKING PAPER TOWELS, and I just go and hit the roll so they fall into the sink as well and FLOOOOOOOOOSH water everywhere, and a couple of seconds later the orange has turned to black and I'm standing there in awe. Haha. No, seriously. All that practically happened within ten seconds. Fire is fast. |D
Well I definitely learnt something. A) Cheap baking paper is cheap. B) Oven's can make things burn. C) Trust fire to be hungry.
These were the remains of the paper towels. The day after. Looking good I guess. I mean, they only burnt for maybe two seconds. In a huge combustion of flame. Un.
Oh right! I finished Final Fantasy XIII somewhere along the line.
So, so pretty... ;-;
Now I'm just waiting for XIII-2 to be released next spring, and Hope being all grown up from jail-bait status, and sexy and available (... in theory), so yeaaaaww. Also, pretty blue-haired seems to be starring in XIII-2 as well. Heehee! All the excitement.
So! Castles!
My grandparents and I went to one. Not one of the prettiest there are (I mean, come on,
Neuschwanstein is hard to top *-*), but since there was an exhibition of one of our former (castle-maniac) kings, we went therrrre. Surprisingly, I didn't really take that many pictures, but oh well.
Either way, we had the choice between walking up to the castle (takes about ten~fifteen minutes), or take a horse carriage. Well, what do you think I'd answer when put in front of that choice? 8D
Of cawwws! Horsieeeeeeeeeeeeeees!!! ... *cough*
So yeah!
Clip-clap-clip-clap... ♥
Obviously, my grandfather would manage to entertain the whole lots of passengers with one of his stories, or in this case, and I have no idea how it got there, but the mention of bison meat, and how there's a bison farm close to a place we used to live, and how the meat is so healthy, tastes better than any beef they'd ever have tasted, and has less cholesterol than chicken meat. The other passengers pretty much drooled... and I mean, they're right to. It's seriously damn tasty. Hehh.
And so we arrived at the castle. Or, the springs in front of it. Well without water.
Yeah... I like statues.
Here's the actual castle |D
Not that special from the outside, but still a castle. Un.
The castle park.
We walked back through the park and forest. I was talking to my granddad, when suddenly, there was this person a couple of meters in front of us (well, there were lots of people in front of us, and behind us, and everywhere around us, ahaha, but yeah), and I said "Well, she looks kinda Japanese..." Surely, her hair was brown, not black, but her stature, the way she walked, and the clothes all made me think she could be Japanese. And just as I had said that, she ... swerved... and went into "the wild", aka the forest, to take some pictures... but not of the forest itself, BUT of a little stuffed animal she had! SO FUCKING CUTE.
I turned around to watch her. DAMN right, she was Japanese hahaha! She had a tiny plush hedgehog, and put it on some wood stub, then took pictures of it, rearranged it and took some more. Gawds, that was so adorable! I wanted to take a picture of her taking pictures of the hedgehog, but unfortunately she was done and got up just when I had my phone out. She was about to dash past me, but then noticed how I was looking and smiling at her, being all "wheeee", and how I had my phone out, and as she dashed she was like えぇぇ恥ずかしっ!!!!! [how embarrassing!!], and I immediately replied with えぇ?そんな…恥ずかしくないよ〜♬ that it's not embarrassing at all and かーーいーーよ! and with an almost all-out braking she came to a halt, stared at me and asked "Izzu Japonee... eh... 日本語大丈夫??" whether it's okay to talk Japanese/whether I understood Japanese, and I replied with "OF COURSE HEEE HEEE" xD and again told her how cute that was with the hedgehog and so on and so on, and she said something about how she had to catch up with some others and started dashing again. But she was sooo cute hahaha! Probably in her fourties or so.
So a little while later, when we got out of the forest, we met again. As it turned out, she was with a group of friends - two other Japanese ladies. We found them again taking pictures of cows, hahahah, and pictures of the hedgehog in front of the cows!! HOW CUTE IS THAT, seriously. I waved at them - it seemed like she'd told the others that there's some (crazy? XD) girl talking Japanese, because the others seemed to 'recognize' me when I waved. I went there, said something about "oh here we meet again 8D" and asked whether I could take a picture, too... of the hedgehog... Of course of course, so I did.
I also asked whether I could take a picture of them, or her, and she was like あっかまわないよ!"ah, I don't mind" and so we took group pictures XP All cliche ♥
It's me and the woman plus little hedgehog-san... a friend in the background, explanatory taking pictures of cows XDDDD Too bad I never asked them where exactly they were from (or did I, and I just forgot...), maybe they'd never seen cows before.
They asked me lots of questions, about how come I know Japanese (obviously |D), etc, I don't even remember, hahaha... Just that at some point, the first, cute one, came really close to my face, stared into my eyes and suddenly called out え?!瞳キレーーーーー!!!! (your eyes are so pretty), at which the others came dashing over and stared into my eyes as well ヘー!ホントデス!!! fffff, at which I obviously waved my hand and played all shy and coy XP えぇ?いひゃ,そんな…アハハハヘヘヘ〜♬いや〜〜〜♪ lol hahaha.
Either way. That was a really nice random get-together.
We saw them again when we took the ferry back to the main island. My grandmom had gotten some posters of the exhibition/the king for free ("Do you have grand children?" - "Yes, three of them" - "Here, take them~~" XD), so she asked me whether I'd like to give them one as a present. Haha, why would I not. So I took one, looked for the three Japanese ladies and found them on deck, currently taking pictures of a ladybug crawling around on the hedgehog, and went from there to the cute one's hand. They were all reallly busy taking pictures of it, hahaha... I really love that. It's peaceful, lovely images you'd get of Japanese, like that, nah. Well, at first I just stood by, so they could take the pictures, and when the ladybug had flown away, I told her that if she li~ked, she could have that poster as a little gift (おみやげ of course), and how excited they all were about it xD They had to take pictures of us with the poster.
And then...
And then one of them noticed my nails.
Uhm, normally it's okay because... the kanji on them are readable and all. But today... just then... they were already kind of very worn out, parts of the kanji were missing and stuff, only 勇企 was really intact |D but that didn't seem to matter to them. I tried to hide my hand all shy, and they were like "SHOW US SHOW US" at which I hesitatingly showed them my hand, littering the air with "but they're not pretty at all anymore" and "I should have re-done them" and random "いやーー"s, fufufu, uhm... but they read out what they said... of course they'd read Takumi instead of Shou, they always do XP, and they couldn't read 迅 (they thought it might have been 心, but there really wasn't that much left of it to be sure 8D) until I told them what it's supposed to be 「あぁ!迅速の迅?」「そうそうそう!」「へ〜〜〜!」and then one of the women showed me her hands AND WHAT DO YOU KNOW, she had our flag on her nails! AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! That was just AMAZING, too bad I hadn't taken my phone on deck with me, stupid me, but they obviously wanted to take pictures of our nails together... and so they did xDDDDD
Also, they asked me more questions about how come I wanted to study Japanese (ehhhh |D I think I told them I have hobbies, but when they asked me which, I really didn't want to be too honest 8'D I mean, come on. Bishuaru kei, shounen ai, yaoi, fjsldfjsldf wat. Not sure what I ended up saying, but I think it was "languages 8D" hahaha), etc, and one thing I hadn't been thinking of when I'd given them the poster, but was made aware pretty quickly, was their sense of "being given something - give something in return". First they asked me whether I liked alcohol - funny there because it went approximately like this 「お酒好きですか?嫌いですか?」「嫌い…(not finished)」「嫌いですか?!」「…じゃない…8D」but I guess my answer had been too 微妙 or something, for she went to look for something to give to me in her purse, and found a tiny, terrrribly cute little embroidered little something that turned out to be both a mirror and a pouch to keep toothpicks in. It looked well used. Aw. ♥
That was actually quite incredible. Not only because it definitely was something that she'd used for some time, or because it was both a really lovely gesture and a lovely item, but also because just recently I'd realized I'd want a little pocket mirror. Tada~ Universe is working in quite fantastic ways, haha. Amazing, really.
Well, either way. I again realized how I still have problems with skipping from polite to informal and back to polite, but I guess as 外人 that is perfectly okay 8'D
So much about stories of castles, hedgehogs and Japanese. I think there's just one more thing I wanted to put in here anyway, and that was a random visit in a yew-tree forest with the peeps from the Pagan community, haha~
Not that I'd flood you with pictures... I took a lot, but ... nn, I won't put them up. They are very, very beautiful trees there. You'll see enough trees with my entry about the "Druid-grove", so yeah.
Just, have this one. There were some really amazing stems as well.
It's Wolf's hand. In a tree. Which was still alive as far as I can remember. Hehe~
Also, we tried eating the fruit of the trees. All of us used to get told how they're poisonous when we were children, but really, they aren't. It's just the pits that are poisonous. The rest, or especially if you burn the twigs, might just have some drug-like effects hoohooo~~ Nya. Well, we gathered a lot of information on yew trees in there. To get "poisoned" or have "poisonous effects", you'd have to eat more than a big handfull of berries. Wolf was the first to try one, I followed xD They actually taste really sweet! They're a little messy, but very very good. Nom. You wouldn't regret it.
Here, have a little me, and sunshine.
There were so many big and tiny frogs in that forest by the way! Sooo adorable! I kept running after them hahaha... Also, that very day people started to call me eagle-eyed. Just because I cried out every couple of minutes "A FROG!" - "... Where?" "RIGHT THERE!" or "Oh hey, there's a bug... *while passing a twig on which the bug was sitting*", or "*while casually passing by some other twigs hanging right down into the path* Ah, take care *to person behind me* so you won't run into the spider", or when I'd start dashing off into the forest again "Did you find a frog again~? XD" "Yes! THERE WERE TWO. And look at that little snail I just found!", haha, or later, when we were trotting down some country lane and I warned them when there were snails on the ground and so on. The things I always do, in short. [I just happen to not mention them to people who aren't that interested in the little life around them.] Just that these people were the first to really comment about it. I mean, I'm so used to it, it's pretty normal to me that I'm aware of the tiniest ants in front of my feet even as I walk however miss things like signposts or anything that's run-into-able 83, but apparently it's not to other people. "Damn! She seriously sees everything, how is that even possible!!" ... Does it take Pagans to notice that about me? Hah... I don't know. It was funny though. Also, one of the girls dropped a comment I found pretty funny-slash-interesting, she said "Hmm, I dunno, maybe it's her first life as human?" I didn't think lots about it, I just liked the mere fact someone would even consider thinking something like it. It makes me smile.
Also, a few weeks later, and just a little while ago, in aforementioned Druid-grove, where I was with some of the same people, they added "owl-eyed" to "eagle-eyed", hahaha! That one made me laugh. It had to do with me hiding in a cave while watching everyone pass by the entrance of it, staring into it, but never seeing me. Then, after I got back out, one of the guys asked me how the hell I even was able to see in there, at which I merely shrugged and said that it's not that hard to see in there. Nnh? Guess you just have to be used to darkness I suppose, but he tried it out, and when he came back he just stared at me like ">___> ... hmph", for he still hadn't seen anything XD Therefore, "owl-eyed" *laughs* Oh, and another occasion, when we'd been out until after nightfall, and tried to go back from inside the woods... everyone else stumbled along with flashlights and candles while I skipped twenty meters ahead of them without any of the likes haha. Nyah? Some people just don't seem to trust their eyes with darkness, nnh.
Either way, so much about me.
Should make dinners. I'm kinda late. ... As always, when I want to finish entries |D