Oh the bands. That's where my free-time goes ahah...

Oct 31, 2010 17:05

So it's Sunday mor... early afternoon, and I'm randomly trying out "new" bands.

Got out my hyper-sexy icon just for the occasion, for one reason or the other.
Run over by 夢などの残像 I just concentrate on other things, yes? |D No wait, there weren't even... eh...

Uhm, anyways. I saw some in a SHOXX/CURE/younameit last week, got curious on what they'd sound like, and since an email from the other Dani just resurfaced, an email in which she gave me a link to yet another 'new' band, I decided to venture out into the world of Discovering 'New' Bands.

Shall I start with the first one... the one she had linked me to, it was this video.

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Kay so uhm... Piano-intros, me gusta.

Then... heck what is thissss... Totally overrun and smashed by the sound. Three guitars??? HECK, WANT! I was like, drowning in the music, but... ahah... only the music-music...

Sadly there's something about his voice that I don't seem to catch on to at all >_< ... I don't know, thought he sounded a fragment into direction Asagi-voices, but I don't really have anything against Asagi's voice at all... Plus, Shaura seems to have been in MOI DIX MOIS for a while or so, and I never had anything against them in the little MDM phase that I had, years ago. But I just don't really like it when he goes ↑ with his voice, maw. Else I'd probably grow to them a tad, but heh, that was only one PV, so I tried out another one.

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Mmh, definitely liked the way he uses his voice more in this one. [Well until he went all ↑↑ again -_-'] Whispering and all, nice, thanks. Also, pipe organs? I don't listen too much to them, but I dare say it's rather fascinating watching someone play.

... Not having a minor pre-crush on the bassist or anything. Or developing the same for one of their guitarists. [Don't ask me whom, I only recognize Erina, orrrrz... NO wait... whitttte guitar, yesh... *pürr*]

5:33~...6:XX Heck, WHAT? OKAY, so I'm totally overrun here again. Right. Ahahaha |D Uuuuuhhhh the guitarsssssss... *shoves Shaura out the video* Oh how nice how ni~~ce...

Well what do you say, I found another one.

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Too bad I was run over by the visuals more than anything else here.

Shaura, hair? Nice. Silvern lipstick? No. Just, no.

Also, fake swords? Ew. Come one, if you want to play with swords, then use a real one, or at least one that looks more real than that, that's just ridiculous. Or at least if it has to look as unreal, then wield it in a way that looks as if you're familiar with swords! Guh. That way just looks like... dunno, give me high heeled stilettos and let me stalk over a cat-walk with them, that's what it looks like. Can't make holding a sword look cool, don't do it. Just please. Shaura, no matter how fake it is, you're gonna hurt someone with it. Put it down, please.

Yeah, sorry, I just really got a thing for swords. *shudders with the afterimages*

But hey, after two minutes, we're getting the nice instruments again, hah.

So yeah, so much about them. In the end, sadly 'no thanks', but give me the band without the vocal anytime. Sorry Shaura.

But let's go on then.


Kay, so it was rather hard to not notice them by their visuals. I've come across slutty pictures of their vocalist before, without me having any idea whatsoever who he was from. Ahah. Wasn't so hard to recognize him when I opened one of the J-mags just the other day, for some reason hah. Saw them mentioned here and there, too, so I thought, "Kay wellllllll let's see what their music sounds like." Give them a chanceと言うことかな。

Which is what I did right now.



ahhhhhah... ha......hh............hah.....ha? |D

.... [Totally forgot to put the PV in here uhm hah *sneaks in to edit that*]

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Don't... do this to me |||||||||||||||||||D

... Wait I don't even know what it is they're/he/they're doing to me... hahh...ahahahaha 8D ... *watches on*

Okay uhm, while my body temperature rises into vast voids, let me try an analize this.


no soree, VOICE. Yes. VICCCCEEEE!! ... Now mwat, WOI... WHAT... vOICE!!!! ... I thought I'd let it the original way to give you an idea of how great my fingers work at the moment |D] *takes a deep breath*.... v-o-i-c-e... It sound so fucking familiar, but I checked him, he didn't seem to be in any other band before? Ohmgs... how old is he then, sixteen? |D *shot*

Kay. So... Voice.
...Chains? *DIES*

... There's something about that guitarist, ohmyheck... Oh dang he's fine. .... Oh wait, what??

!!!!! It's the hair!!! Oh no damn me, woe me, woe meeee he has the hair of perdition, my damnation, my doom, my demise ahaha I ALWAYS FALL FOR THAT HAIR ALWWWWAYS! ... "There's no escape." Funny how Sephiroth's voice licks at the insides of my brains right now auughhhwww




*pauses for a few seconds to catch her breath* Mmh. Okay I guess I'm okay again. *takes another deep breath*
Let's go on then.

... Where did I stop? Ah yes. ... the... hair 8'D

*starts cackling* I also... not having any idea of their names, obviously, upon finding out whether vocalist-san had been in any previous band, since the voice sounded familiar, I did come across his name, right? So I had no idea how to read his name. Like, no idea, really I didn't try too hard so it's like... |D I find out that one could read his name as.... ... as Yu(u)ki, right... ... ....

I think I'm doomed.

Sorry, but I think there's just no way out of this. Just... ahah... I highly doubt it. But we'll see! I gave the others more chances in PVs, so I should give them some chances, too. Or me in that aspect, to escape them ahah 8D ... !.... !!

... Right. Is it noticeable I'm just ever so slightly flustered? XD Hane't even fisnished ther pV there. [Original writing forthelifeofme]

Funny how their bassist is just so much like Jun, orz. Also, something that struck me before everything else, but as it got flooded by all the other things too quickly, the drummer... haha... Loli-drummers are just... naw... XD Plus he's pink even, that's like... the epitome of not-want, but the way I don't really notice the drummers most of the time anyway, I really do not care hah. ... And guitarist-san seems to be made of lulz. Kay, so I'll give them more chances.

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*alarmed* NO wait! Throw it to me, I want that hat!!...
Hah, and there I thought if the guitarist changed his hairstyle, I probably wouldn't even think he's that fine anymore... >_O ... Iwaswrongthere.

Mmmh I feel like rocking the hell out of this place...

Hnn... vocalist-san's hips, me gusta. *looks at wall* ...*blinks* ... *looks at other wall* *looks at video* ... They're advertising sex. That is not fair. ... *makes cry-face* That is highly unfair. I mean... The naked-ness of guitar-san didn't really alert me, I didn't react to vocalist-san's lip-licking and all either, too much used to it from Byou and the such I guesssss but the hips, I can't escape them. One flash and they're burnt into my memory |D .........私は...思い出には...ならないさ...THANKSMISTERYOU'RENOTHELPINGMYSITUATION! *kicks Sephiroth's ass*

Oh the distress.

I might even take back what I said with the licking, but only maybe. ... I also love all the buckles.

Okay, after repressing the urge to bang my brains out - via headbanging of course, what else did you think I was thinking about - ... next one! 8D

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Okay, that's enough. I think I know what my November-project will be |D

Lol, I just watched their PV OFF SHOT, turns out that Mr Hat-san seems rather cute, and Mr Bass-san is quite a lovable dork. Ri~~ght...

Well the next band I thought I randomly wanted to check out were these guys


Looks like they're too small to have PVs yet and the such, orz... Also I didn't note down what I found interesting about them, heh.

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Well definitely sounds like something I could listen to more often. Shall see where they'll go, as a band and the such.

More than anything, it really makes me want to just go out and randomly go to AREA or somewhere and rock out. *shigh* My idea of an ideal Friday/Saturday/Sunday evening >3<

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Someone I know could be interested in them *laughs*

But the last one I found. Erm... Bit anxious here, because I 'found' them since... well, the vocalist, at least on the pictures I saw, had some stunning resemblances to another certain vocalist, and that kind of scared me, ahah... just as much as it made me curious of course, so I just went and made a note. At least their names sounds like something I wouldn't listen to, but I'd never know before I've actually done so, hah.


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... Aaaaaahh okay. Well as long as I don't look at his eyes, I can ignore that all, lol. *blinks at 'translation'* Uh right. >.O'

Gawds XDDD All the things that exist, how interesting. *shakes head laughing* But nyah, luckily it makes me run away from them heh.

... *goes back to Lycaon* >___>'

Oh wow, kay... Listening to this right now, I think I get the hunch of an idea why the voice seems familiar. Kind of reminds me of Nuclear Valdez... But then again I thought that there had been a Japanese vocalist with a similar voice...

Ah the riddles.


Kay darling laptop, we're gonna download stuff now. Be prepared <3

Think I could really get into them, hee... I'm really really hooked, heh. Even without the hips piercing my mind, see? ^ ^""

Nyaha. With this, my afternoon passed away. *solemn nod* Should probably do something else now.
Or I'll just go into the void......... [seriously this makes me laugh. I get all these random certainperson'sphrases popping out here and there. Guess I've been playing Dissidia entirely too much these days. Or watched the movie just a bit too often, I can even quote from it now |D In japanese |D]

...嗚呼… If there's a cure, I don't want it. (微笑)



Oh... my... Gods... I randomly listened to this [結晶華] next... and... oh gods. This is entirely too beautiful. I just sat there with my hand in front of my mouth, not knowing what to do with all the emotions flooding my conscious self. It's so... beautiful. Everything. And the guitar-play is just supreme. Sorry *laughs* but I won't go anywhere. I need this music in my life. I want this in my life. And if it's just that one song. Oh Gods just...

[And it took my computer the full length of this song to react and actually let me edit. My browser's state's just getting worse, hah.]

Uhm... Happy Halloween, or whatever you may call it x3
Thanks for the present~ ♥

final fantasy, video, time is luxury, jbands, youtube, what's happening

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