Sorry for another confused post. m(__ __)m I really don't seem to be able to put anything into an order lately. Don't know what's up. My mind is scattered. And lost
Anyway, I wanted to do a PV post to not forget, or for easy access. First Kain, then Nega. My mom found Kain on youtube.
Kαin ~ The End
Click to view
Ahhh oh... I kept half-listening to what he sang... (I listened more to the music itself ne) 「涙」was kind of obvious. And「罪」the last word he says... the way he does... ohhh... hm. And I got the impression their sound sounds... 'old' somehow... as from Hyde's L'arc~en~Ciel time, ne.
Oy Gosh. Their preview is... .... nnn...不安? Just sorta... eerie.
Click to view
It says their names though:
Manipulator (... I know I know I know what it means but... still xD): Akihito
Drums: Atsushi
Bass etc ('etc'tte ah? Fanservice, too? XD): Ichiro
Guitar: Shigo
Vocal: Yukiya
And totally off, but I just found that vid and wanted to not forget it either... I love the bass part in the middle. And the guitars... Though the first thing I noticed, next to the voice, frankly was the hair XD To me it looked like a mixture of Gackt's in Vanilla, Cloud, the Statue of Liberty and a tiny bit of Reita. Hahah!
Raphael - 症状3 ×××症 So, off to ネガ ♥ (my new love *__*)
... Oh fuck.
If I hadn't watched that now... Omgs... My mind is i sis is isisisGARGHGNSDLFSLJ! ... This shouldn't be... uh.. oh... legal... omgs... ... I ... it erm. "Talks" to me too much みたい。ダメでしょう? 狂な愛が魅せられ痛く?何故と問い...らら...(X__x)儿お願い...儿...*回る*
K, I lost it again. 脳が.
Nega - Quadrangle
ファック。これ。。。ラッブんだ。ラッブばい!omgsJinjin儿jin儿儿jin x-x
... I in fact learnt a new English word through them. Would never have thought that could ever happen xD "Knell"...
And even though they had erm subtitles I wasn't even able to look at them... I was kind of distracted by the visual content. *cough* The only things I got were the English parts and 「そう意味が無くす僕に」
Nega - Abase
And there he's so totally different m(__ __)m ARGH!
... And here... nnnnnnnnnnnchainss....I can hardly express properly how much I love those outfits ... nnnnggghhhh ... I better distract myself now ... *restraint*
Nega - Utsu 鬱
*Officially Overdosed*