Spring dropped in today, and what a day it was! I need to move somewhere that perpetually has weather such as todays because it makes everything feel absolutely perfect. Clayton came over and woke me up this afternoon and we left around 2 for what became the longest walk of my life. It was incredible. We walked to the Virginia War Memorial on Belvedere and then walked down to the canal walk and then onto the pipeline, which was one of my favorite parts. We walked the whole length of the pipeline and there is a part where it gets close enough to the ground to jump down onto this little beach. I had no idea that it was even back there! Then we walked to Southside and walked the entire flood wall, climbed to the top of the Manchester Climbing Wall and then walked along the river to the Boulevard Bridge, into Byrd Park and then finally back home. I am truly proud of my feet for taking me as far as they did today. Those five hours were not easy with my stupid choice of shoes. We went out for a huge Greek dinner afterwards and now I feel immobile and stuffed. Exploring like we did today made me really excited to get out there and see more. There is so much to see! And thankfully, plenty of time to see it.
The rest of the week was pretty fantastic as well. Saw Akron Family and Megafun last Sunday. They seriously blew my mind. The end of Akron Family's set was so psychedelic that I felt as though I was being transported out of my body. I had this really strange moment when, with my eyes closed, started seeing the strangest things... huge splats of blood, and strange faces at even more strange angles. Sadly, the smelly bopping girl in front of me bopped the visions right on out of me and try as I did, I could not muster a positive regard towards her. I tried to imagine her as nothing but a free bird... alas she was such a free bird that her wings flapped into everyone's face and even into a large portions of photographs that I couldn't take because of her! MAN!
After the show Tyler and I went to his grandma's house and were welcomed with home made apple/pear pie and frosted pound cake. I had to kiss my sugar aversion goodbye because in the morning, I awoke to home made waffles! We went to DC and saw a really cool IMax movie that DIDN'T give me motion sickness! Then we visited my Nana and Pappy. I have never heard my grandfather talk so much in my entire life. We drank some wine with Ellie and Sarah and I had a heave conversation with Ellie's mom about eastern thought and practices. Had a girls night on Wednesday with Rachel, Sarah, Ellie and Phylis and realized how important it is for me to go visit Phylis more often. She is such an incredible woman, and has been everything of a grandmother to me. It was a very action and elderly people packed few days and I loved every moment of it.
Now... I've really got to go wash of today's dirt, write Kelli a letter, start my application for Thailand this summer, and tend to this ridiculous sunburn I must have acquired during today's adventure. I am the only person I know who can burn in early March. Ahhhhhhhhhhh.
Having a moment with a strange vagina-looking sculpture
Learning to Salsa with Ellie
Practicing secret gestures with Tyler
Are they related?