I'm at my parents apartment in Illinois sitting 12 inches away from, exactly next to Hart's friend Aaron. Or is it Calvin? The cool new thing with kids over here is aparently Air Soft guns. Like beebee guns except nearly incapable of harming anything accept one's eyes. It's nuts. Since I got here on Tuesday every couple of seconds the sound of plastic machine guns has been constantly reverberating throughout the apartment building. I wish you guys could see how funny it is in here right now. It's as if my parents have adopted 4 new children. Aaron, Calvin, Micayla, and Jack. They're all spread out around the apartment but Hart is no where in sight. It's been like this all day. I hope when and if I am ever a parent, my home will be like this too.
Being here has been really good for me. These days are speeding by! It's a strange sensation because I feel like when I got on that plane I just pressed pause. Oh, how I needed a pause. So here I am, on pause and making up so much precious lost face-time with my beautiful family, with time flying by all around me. Hart and I have been making music with Garageband and I'm telling you, if I could just work on expanding my knowledge of the program, I could live vicariously through making electronic music. There are literally NO limits to what you can do. It's the blessing and the curse of it for me because while no limitations mean limitless possibilities, limitless possibilities mean choices to make and skills to hone. I've never been good with either of those realities so I'll just have to keep on keepin' on.
I've been talking to my dad about some of the reading I've been doing and he gave me this really wonderful book called Monuments of Mars. It was originally written in the late 80s and then updated in the edition I have in 1992. It's an extremely informational account of the 1976 Viking Orbiter photographs of the face, city, and pyramids on Mars. It's almost terrifying to read, however, because when this work was re-published in '92, the author was very optimistic about the progress being made within the infastructure of the government regarding the release and further investigation of the startling Cydonia information. The author speaks passionately in the prologue about the nature of the photographs and how entirely irrational it was that NASA specfically expressed that there was no need to re-evalute the photos, hear the information presented by the author's team of researchers, or -most illogically of all- photographing the area again. It seems that if the world's largest, monopolyzing, space exploration institution has any doubts about the possibility of something as completely earth-shattering as extra-terretrial life, they should make efforts to either dispell the myth or prove it true. And it really is almost terrifying that since this book was written, more than 10 years ago, little if nothing has changed. Everything is still a secret, these legitimate scientific inquires are still left for the "consperacy seekers," and no one has been able to prove anything. New pictures were taken to show that the face didn't exsist... but it took over 20 years to do so... and I've just got so many questions. Crazy!
http://www.metaresearch.org/media%20and%20links/press/on-improbable-claims.asp Last night Hart and I stayed up until 4 in the morning, watching really terrible TV and knitting. Then my poor pre-metapausal mother awoke with hormone induced insomnia so we stayed up until the sun came out, talking about life and the astounding effects of proliferating positive energy. It seems that she has tapped into the same thought procsess I've been fired up on for the last few months. I've found that in attempting to maintain a positive perspective, life seems to respericate with a profound stream of positive energy. In Cosmic Journeys, the book I've been reading, the author expeirences the conciousness of the earth and learns how important and fundamental the act of being positive and apreceative is. Basically, you get what you give. She talks about how being thankful creates a wonderful circular energy within the universe. All of this is more than appropreate because, of course, it is Thanksgiving. What a beautiful day, one entirely devoted to the perpetuation of appreceation and positiveity. I feel thankful for everything. Every tree, every breath, every friend, every good and bad moment alike, and naturally on this thanksgiving, my family because they are completely imperfect in percisely the most perfect way.