
Sep 02, 2006 22:40

Life is good right now. I can honestly say that everything is great and there is nothing i would change about this past week <3

give her two red roses,
each with a note. the first
one saying, "for the women
i love." and the second,
"for my best friend."

live the life you want to live
be the person you would be
proud of. make decisions
make mistakes. if you fall,
at least you fell because
you tried ; no regrets

girl - if the radio breaks, would you sing to me?
boy - baby i'd break the radio just to sing to you.

they all know
and even though i`m embarrassed
i can`t help but smile
when they all say
"oohhh you love him"

i live in a world of people pretending to be something they're not. 
but when i talk to you, im the girl i wanna be. + A Cinderella Story _ <3

and she laughs at all the rumors
she hears about herself  because
she loves to hear those people's
desperate attempts to bring her down

best friends dont get jealous
when you meet a new guy
they ask if he has a brother.

we walk around talking to complete strangers
laugh for absolutely no reason at all && have
stupid fights that are over in 10 minutes. gang
up on the chick who has a problem with one of
us have a billion you - had - to - be - there times
attempt to dance like they do in music videos &
make fun of eachother when we walk into stuff
we're just bestfriends   <3

God, i know i haven't been the best Christian i can be, nor have i been the best person to everyone. i pray that one day you'll give me a blessing like you've given my parents. i just ask that in one part of my life that you've planned and given me, you'll give me the one person i could spend the rest of my life with. i know i still have a life ahead of me, and all i need is your love right now, but all i ask of you, is to please let me find that one person. that one person you've made just for me, like you have with everyone else. the one that you've sent down from Heaven just for me. if this was meant for me, i know you'll answer it, but if it wasn't i still love you God.

Please pray for my daddy who is having surgery on wensday on his neck. <3 I love you all :)

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