If I tell you that I love you, can I keep you forever? -casper
*.:.She always has those quotes in her profile and he'll never know that they are always about him.:.*
*.:.I know they're my true friends becuase they know the worst thing about me, and its okay with them.:.*
*.:.I do believe in second chances. I just don't believe that everyone deserves them.:.*
*.:.I love it when I can feel you smiling when you kiss me.:.*
*.:.Sometimes I wonder where I'd be without my friends, then I thank God I only have to wonder.:.*
*.:.Tell me I can't... I'll show you I can.:.*
Maybe love is like starting a fire with two sticks. You always hear that it's possible, but how likly is it?
The grass could be greener on the other side of the fence. It depends on who's standing in the grass
*.:.Let's make this summer romance last through fall, winter, and spring.:.*