Dec 20, 2010 17:13

SO, A SKILL I HAVE: IT IS KNITTING. I AM POOR. BUT I AM AN AWESOME KNITTER! In fact, I could make ANYTHING YOU HAVE EVER CONCEIVED OF as a kitting project! I am opening up to everyone for commissions! Some examples of work:

Nerd hats!


cute hats!


Other nerdy things!


Scarfy things!


AND SO MUCH MORE-- mittens, wristwarmers, sweaters even!.

Prices always negotiable, usually around $20 for hats and working up from there. Shipping is pretty low and I can probably absorb it into the set price. Upcharges for fancier yarns that I'd need to order, etc etc etc--- MESSAGE ME! Or comment here! I CAN MAKE YOU ANYTHING!
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