Oh, Brain.

Aug 05, 2009 12:23

I had an epic HP related dream last night that involved large boats, maybe, and H/D slash (in which I may or may not have been Harry and in which Draco totally wore glasses and was super hot) and was full of great plot bunnies and I was totally awake for at least a half hour before my alarm went off during which I lay remembering details of the dream so that I could post them, and now I don't anymore. It was really interesting and good, too. Damnit. I think it involved Draco contuniung to dissapear and reappear in Dracoish fashion, but also being caring and tender sometimes? And there were adventurous things happening too and I'm pretty sure Ron and Hermione were there too. Not magical adventurous things, I think, but normaler ones. Fuck. It was GOOD too! I swear! Grrrrr.
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