(no subject)

May 23, 2008 02:44

Type your cut contents here.

1) What would hurt more: seeing your best friend make out with your ex or finding out that your ex never liked you?
 seeing my friend make out with my ex

2) When was your last alcoholic drink?
 few days ago..stella artois

3) Last person who called you?

4) Last person you slept with?

5) What are you listening to?
 daft punk

6) What color is your hair?
reddish brown

7) What is the last movie you watched?
idle hands

8) Are you mentally disabled?

9) Who's bothering you right now?
plans for the weekend.

10) What makes you happy?
"Waking and baking. And other stuff probably."       ----what that person said!

11) Are you happy?

12) Do you miss someone?

13) Have you ever dated a cheerleader/football player and for how long?
we didnt have that at my school

14) Do you think you can last in a relationship for 3 months?

15) Who was the last person you gave your number to?

16) How good is Coca-Cola?

17) Do you drink alcohol?

18) Do you lead people on?

19) Do you have a dry erase board in your room?
used to have one on the fridge

20) How was your day, what'd you do?
rushed to school, took my last final, hung around the apt, came home, saw some friends

21) Are you hungry?
yeah but i dont want anything. im gonna wait to get good chinese tomorrow

22) What is on your desk right now?
a million things

23) When's the last time you cleaned your room?
couple weeks ago. i always tidy up like everyday though.

24) Last compliment you received?
ariel said she liked my hair

25) What's your favorite animal?

26) Are you mad at someone right now?
not really

27) Are you taking anyone for granted?
no, im being taken for granted.

28) Where do you keep your money?
wallet. or bank.

29) How did you wake up this morning?

30) Which is more romantic: sunrise or sunset?
sunset, idk.

31) What's the last bone you broke?
i never broke a bone.

32) How many letters are in your last name?

33) What book did you read last?
the last one i finished was middlesex. after starting it like a year ago and then pausing it.

34) What are you excited about?
france.  my tragus. another tat.

35) Do you live near your best friend(s)?
i live with them

36) Do you have any tattoos or piercings?
i had some piercings, took them off. i think im gonna get my tragus again. and i really want another tat.

37) How do you walk?
just fine.

38) When was the last time you were so drunk you threw up?
while ago thank god.

39) Do you curse a lot?

40) Do you hate your ex boyfriend/girlfriend?
on a level

41) Do you drink bottled water?

42) Are you louder than people think you are?

43) Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?

44) Most hated food?

45) what is the status of you and your first love?
just sex.

47) Would you say you date smart people?
I really don't date.

48) Have you lost friends in the past years?

49) What are your plans for this weekend?
do my laundry, get some good chinese food, visit grandparents, hang with friends

50) Is life over for you?
well, am i dead?

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