Sep 25, 2008 16:07
here are two sides of the same coin:
Given the economic crisis of our country right now McCain is doing the Job he as a Senator was hired to do, realizing that multi-tasking brings poor results. He is making the decision to put his Country first asking the debates to be rescheduled the following week AFTER a decision has made made in Congress. It is a leaders responsibility to manage priorities on level of importance. Reaching a decision in Congress on the economy is much more important that a debate being moved back a few days.and
Remember, leaders who cannot juggle multiple priorities and commitments should not be leading
now for the rugby commentary:
in practice we go over the skills we need to be a good team. Vital skills for our safety as well as the safety of our team. We also work on quick resolution of situations so that the game can keep moving.
We run lines down an empty field to work on our ball handling and our fancy passes. We run into pads to practice hitting things with the proper form. and we practice "breakdown" situations in which the ball has been grounded and we need to win it for our side.
We run these drills in groups of 5 or six players at a time at about 3/4 game speed. It's important, and the focus on what we are trying to do is important, which is why we run them w/o oposition.
But in a game, there are a total of 30 players running around; and none of them are ever where you would ideally would like them to be for the techniques your practiced to go smoothly. You have to be able to handle many things going wrong on the field in order to pull a skill off well and benefit from it.
At practice, a breakdown is imagined, and things go quickly. In a game, a breakdown is a pile of three to eight other adults all trying to cheat the ball to their side. It's chaos. You try to move forward while not kicking, or stepping on someone, or falling, or being elbowed; you win the ball and try to make a good pass away from the breakdown while a player from the other side is pulling you towards the ground and trying to trap your hands.
If you have not mastered your skills enough in practice, these things do not go well under such pressure. When I play in a game, I do my best to keep my goal and my safety in mind, while also trying to navigate through piles of chaos spread across the field; and the game goes much smoother when the other players on my team, have also mastered their skills enough to handle the chaos. When I play with a rookie team, things never go smoothly because they can't keep their tasks straight amidst the chaos of the pitch. My preference is usually to play with and against veterans simply for the skill and safety I know we will have. You get hurt most when you or the person your going into contact with doesn't know what to do.
in the end, what this analogy is trying to display is that I would prefer that our president not need to practice in order to handle an issue with seriousness, practicality, and sound judgement. I think that if you are asking for the office, you better already know that you have the skills to do the job w/o asking for some things to wait so you can focus better on other issues. because that's not a real life situation.