The Boring Life of Jenny

Feb 18, 2004 22:41

I got my hair cut today: a few inches off, thinned out, and.. bangs. They didn't really turn out how I had expected them too.. definitely not the huge hairstyle change I was anticipating, but I have something similar to bangs now. I also got my eyebrows waxed, which isn't really exciting; they're a little thinner than usual now though. Since I was at the mall anyway, I looked around a little. I bought myself a Ty beanie buddy, since they're really cheap in comparison to what the university bookstore was charging ($13 in comparison to $25). It's a blue unicorn - very cute.

I went to the doctor this morning. It was actually a walk-in clinic, but I waited about as long as I would have to if I had made an appointment somewhere (about an hour). He prescribed me something for my migraines. I hope it will work.. we'll see, I guess.

Oh, I almost forgot.. I highlighted my hair on Monday, so that plus the haircut means I have very slightly.. different (?) hair right now. I took pictures, but, as usual, I looked too ugly in them, so they won't be posted. I miss being thin. At least then, I could put up pictures of my body. Now it's like, "face is too ugly, body is too fat.. so much for pictures"

I have been struggling to try and get e-mail set-up for my PDA. How do you do it without a cell phone?! Somebody help me before I shoot myself. :[
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