Jun 14, 2005 22:23
Deidre is on her way to visit me!!!! She is staying with me for a couple days. I am so hyper I am shaking I am so excited.
YOu'll never really know how much this means.
I got nacho stuff, booze, and smiles abound.
I cleaned the entire apartment. Again.
Then on Friday I am leaving for New York to visit my sister for the weekend.
I get to see both my girls in the same week. <3<3<3
So I hear my ex-boss Ken has been talking shit about Terry. He exclaimed to Marsha (roommate) how I "have bad taste" and laughed and looked at her like "You know?" and Marsha was like "If you are looking for me to agree, I'm not. I like him."
Ken is shallow. Um, sorry you don't approve. Matters. Really.
Shallow people make my heart rot away a tiny bit for a tiny second.
Get over your pathetic, lonely, bitter existance. Get over YOURSELF.
T and I got a weight bench last week.
We've had sex twice on it, but we've yet to actually lift any weights. lol
Terry's music is coming along awesome!! Considering he just started playing, I am proud. He's been using clips from Six Feet Under. Which, btw, I am obsessed with that show.
I went to Bell's Brewery alone the other night because T was working. There was a cajun band playing and, after some schmoozing, I got called on stage to play the WASHBOARD for an entire song. !!
Highlight of my week for sure.
The pool is beautiful, my apartment rocks, my roommate is adorable, my boyfriend is hilarious, my friends are nice, ya'll should try to find a way to come visit me.
I miss You.