Jun 17, 2004 19:52
well this was my last day here for 2 weeks. i do not know what i am going to do all i know is that i pray that i do not hurt myself and that is a really big task. i have so much clothes and stuff i feel so weird i never pack this much. i leave tomorrow at 6 it is not going to be fun and i do not know who i am sitting next to or anything. watch i am going to get down there and have forgotten my skis i just know it. i mean it is me kelsey what else would i do but forget the one thing i need on the trip. ok so i come back july 2 at night sometime, all i know is that it is late. i will see you all at the parade or well most then i am going up north for god knows how long all i know is that i do not want to go at all i mean i do not even like golfing why do i want to go up there but oh well.