Roald Dahl vs. Dr. Seus

Oct 01, 2009 13:29

A friend asked a question today: "Who would win in a fight between Dr. Seuss and Roald Dahl?"

A thought provoking question indeed. My response follows...

"Dr. Seuss would win, hands down. While Dahl's Matilda like characters were fooling around trying to act all proper a Suess character would get all butter-side-down on their candy asses. Seuss was in the army's early version of the psychological warfare unit. He'll mind fuck his enemies to death with bits like Green Eggs and LSD enriched paper. "Are... Read More those eggs Green?", Dahl asked. "No" replied the good doctor as he beat the man to death with a frumpsicle. Besides, Dahl was in the air-force. They're pansies. ::ducks and covers::"

Who do you think would win?
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