
Feb 02, 2009 12:11

"Oh but it's so unfair!" I hear this a lot lately and it's really starting to piss me off.

That CEO is making ten billion dollars, it's so unfair!
I can't buy a house because my credit sucks, it's so unfair!
I'm overweight because there's so much good food around me, how cruel!
I'm overweight because I have genetic issues, god must hate me!

Jesus Fucking Christ people! Who ever said life was fair?!?!? Who ever said you have a right to a home? A perfect body? A great job? YOU DON'T! You have a right to make your own decisions and reap the rewards or punishments that those decisions bring. End of "rights".

"But Angry Viking, that's awful cold of you! How could you be so cruel, so ruthless? Don't you sympathize with all the suffering in the world?"

Yes I sympathize with people going through hard times... It sucks hard core! However the suffering that we go through in the states is nothing compared to what a person could be going through in a third world country. So you're flipping burgers at McDonald's to pay the rent despite your master's degree from Columbia. At least you have a job and a place to rest. Lot's of folks aren't nearly that lucky.

I ask you, what good does it do to languish over any of these problems? Do you have any control over them? NO! On the off chance that you do have some control over it, you have noone to blame but yourself for not taking action! Fix the problems you can! Accept and plot around the ones that you can't! Sure, bitching about it for a day or two is a great way get it out of your system and get motivated, but once you do that fix the damned problems! You are given a certain lot in life, and you have to fight to make it better or die trying. There is no gray area here. There are no other options.

At some point, no matter how unfair it may appear, you have to accept where you are regardless of the circumstances that put you there. Once you do that, take responsibility for getting yourself to where you want to be. Most times it's a long road and their are few, if any, shortcuts. Hard Work, Determination, Honesty, Integrity... These are the keys to true success. Anyone who tells you otherwise is selling something. And be aware that this nebulous term "success" is not a right, it's something that you define for your own life. It's a privilege that you earn through your hard work.

In Summary:
Quit your bitching, find out where you are, figure out where you want to be, plot your course, and brace for the storms. It's going to be a hell of a ride.

I now return you to your regularly scheduled internets...

ideology, angry viking, deep thoughts, fairness

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