Breaking The Habit

Jul 19, 2004 15:17

My name is Andrea. I am interested in psychology and philosophy. When I'm with my friends, I often do stupid things or act like an autistic child. Hell, I do it when I'm alone too.
But sometimes, I sit and think about things that actually make sense.
Although sometimes I feel that ignorance is bliss, the truth is that I want to learn more and be wise. I am a Buddhist and I believe that true happiness is only found with inner peace. I also have a pessimistic nature, low self-confidence, and am apathetic about a lot of things. I do not particularly like myself. I want to change this... I think I can through deep thought and reflection. I take advice but I believe only I can truly guide myself.
A lot of people may look at me and see just a pretty face. Some may not even see that. Some people may look at me and think, she is just another dumb 15 year old from the bronx.
This is the side of me they can't see.
Although I speak from my own experience, I feel that no one has the right to impose his or her beliefs on another person. I will not propose to you that my way is best. The decision is up to you. If you find some point which may be suitable for you, then you can carry out experiment for yourself. If you find that it is of no use, then you can discard it.

- His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama
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