Jul 28, 2004 20:07
Just a random thought i had a few days ago. When you think... you think to yourself or use logic to get answers in English... or otherwise your first language. The only thing in your mind that isn't in words are feelings. So... what if you never learned a language? What if when you were raised no one spoke a word to you or you were on a deserted island your entire life? How would you think? Would you be like an animal and only be able to act upon instinct? Would you only be able to have feelings?
For example... say you are on an island. You see a coconut. But the coconut is in a very high tree. Now of course being a human being you would weigh your options... think about the best way to get the coconut down, or another way to obtain food.
Now imagine that you are in this same situation, but you were isolated on this island since birth. You see the coconut. That is one of the five senses that your average creature has. Sight. You feel hunger. Your instincts tell you to find food when you are hungry. Your past experiences tell you that that thing is edible. But would you still be able to weigh your options, even without ever learning a language?
If not, does that mean that all that differentiates us from animals is our language? Just something to contemplate...