Thank you all for your interest in the upcoming production. This is the final cast list:
Cupidon (Cupid), god of love - NPC
Diane (Diana), goddess of chastity - NPC
Eurydice, wife of Orphée - NPC
John Styx, servant of Pluton, formerly king of Boeotia - Kamekona
Junon (Juno), wife of Jupiter - NPC
Jupiter, king of the gods - Faramir
L'Opinion Publique (Public Opinion) - Yuri
Mars, god of war - Ares
Mercure (Mercury), messenger of the gods - NPC
Minerve (Minerva), goddess of wisdom - NPC
Morphée (Morpheus), god of sleep - NPC
Orphée (Orpheus), a musician - NPC
Pluton (Pluto), god of the underworld, disguised as Aristée (Aristaeus), a farmer - NPC
Vénus (Venus), goddess of beauty - Aphrodite
Amour - NPC
Bacchus, god of wine - NPC
Cerbère (Cerberus), three-headed guardian of the underworld - NPC
Minos - NPC
Éaque (Aeacus) - NPC
Rhadamante (Rhadamanthus) - Khan
Gods, goddesses, shepherds, shepherdesses, lictors and spirits in the underworld - members of the opera choir
Texts and notations will be delivered to you within the next couple of days, we also have a
recording of an English production at hand at the opera that can be copied as needed.
First read-through for all solo-artists will be Saturday March 28 at noon. I hope this works for everyone. We'll also set up the preliminary rehearsal plan then, according to everyone's availability. Choir and orchestra practices remain at the usual time. Planned opening night is Pentecost (May 24), which gives us roughly two months to make this work.
[ooc: if anyone wants to rp the read-through or a rehearsal, drop me a note, otherwise just consider your characters to be busier than before from the end of the month on]